The Unexpected Positive Effects of Friendship on Your Health, from Elevating Your Mood to Extending Your Lifespan

The Unexpected Positive Effects of Friendship on Your Health, from Elevating Your Mood to Extending Your Lifespan
5 min read
16 December 2022

We are all aware of the value of good friends. Friends enhance our lives in countless ways, from providing comic relief through rough patches to providing emotional support when we need it most. Did you realize there are also unforeseen health benefits to having friends?

To begin with, studies have proven that healthy social ties make us feel better and cope better with stressful situations. Studies have shown that having close friends can help us live longer, enhance our heart health, and even boost our immunity, so the benefits of friendship extend well beyond only our mental health. So, health blog helps you to feel better and happy.

If you've been having a hard time recently or you just need a reminder of why friendships are so important, keep reading to learn about some of the unexpected positive effects friendships can have on your physical and mental health.

  • One, social interaction reduces stress by stimulating the production of oxytocin, a hormone with relaxing properties.
  • Second, friendship has been shown to strengthen the immune system, reducing the likelihood of illness.
  • Reducing stress and depression Friends can help us deal with stress and sadness by offering emotional support and giving a welcome diversion from our negative thoughts.
  • Friendship has been related to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of dementia, which brings us to point no.

Overall, friendships provide us with various physical and mental health benefits. Think about making an effort to meet new people if you don't already have many pals.

What causes SAD in humans?

Reduced daily sun exposure is linked to the onset of SAD. As a result of light's influence on the brain's 24-hour circadian clock, which controls not only our sleep-wake cycles but also our digestion, hormonal activity, and other vital processes, we experience a wide range of physiological changes throughout the day.

The retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye, contains specialized receptors that relay information about external light levels to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the master clock of the body, located deep in the brain. Researchers have found new connections between the retina's light receptors and the rest of the brain in recent years. Dr. Schwartz says this includes the prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in managing emotions and thoughts.

Potentially effective with few negative effects, light therapy could be a viable option

The Health blog explains that light therapy offers a non-pharmaceutical option for treating SAD and other forms of depression. Sometimes antidepressants take weeks to begin working, and they might have unpleasant side effects like nausea, weight gain, and erectile problems. The majority of patients who try light therapy report a reduction in depressive symptoms after a week, while the few reported adverse effects are minor and harmless, such as fatigue and headaches.

Pregnant women and the elderly often need to avoid or limit prescription use for depression, so giving light therapy a try makes sense for these populations. Dr. Schwartz further notes that gloomy conditions are common among the elderly, especially those who are unable to go around easily.

Instructions for Using Light Therapy

A light box producing 10,000 lux is necessary for use in light therapy a measure of light intensity. Every morning, as soon as possible after waking up, you spend approximately thirty minutes sitting in front of the light. While light boxes lack government oversight, you should still look for key features before making a purchase. The Center for Environmental Therapeutics is a non-profit organization that conducts research on light boxes and related therapies and offers guidance for choosing a light box, which is why suggest looking into it.

The benefits of light therapy experienced during an early morning stroll are not limited to pregnant women or those experiencing the seasonal affective disorder. On a cloudy day, the lux level drops to roughly 10,000, whereas on a sunny day it reaches around 50,000. Strolling outdoors immediately after sunrise, even on a cloudy day, delivers almost the same amount of light exposure as a lightbox, explains Dr. Schwartz.

Even with sunglasses that block the sun's harmful UV rays, the therapeutic benefits of the sun are felt on bright days. If you walk for 30 minutes, you’ll also get a fair dosage of mood-boosting exercise. But if that's not possible due to time or mobility constraints, you can still benefit from spending 15 minutes a day or night outside. Hope so, this health blog help you to make your health better.


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