Things To Keep In Mind While Installing Commercial Solar Panels In 2024

Things To Keep In Mind While Installing Commercial Solar Panels In 2024
6 min read

Solar energy is one of the most promising sources of clean, renewable, and affordable power for businesses in Canada. However, installing commercial solar panels is not a simple task. 

There are many factors to consider, such as the location, size, design, cost, and maintenance of the system. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the things to keep in mind while installing commercial solar panels with the help of a professional solar panel contractor like Dandelion Renewables.


The location of your business is a key factor in determining the feasibility and performance of your solar system. 

You need to consider the following aspects of your location:

Solar Potential

The amount of sunlight that your location receives throughout the year will affect the output and efficiency of your solar panels. You can rely on experts to estimate the solar potential of your location based on historical data and weather patterns.

Roof Condition

The condition and structure of your roof will determine the suitability and capacity of your solar system. You need to assess the age, material, slope, orientation, and load-bearing capacity of your roof before installing solar panels. You may need to repair or reinforce your roof to ensure its durability and safety.

Shading And Obstructions

The presence of any shading or obstructions, such as trees, buildings, or chimneys, will reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches your solar panels and lower their output. You need to minimize or eliminate any sources of shading or obstructions on your roof or nearby areas.

Permits And Regulations

The installation of commercial solar panels may require permits and approvals from various authorities, such as the municipal, provincial, or federal governments, the utility company, or the fire department. You need to check and comply with the relevant permits and regulations for your location before installing solar panels.


The size of your solar system will depend on your energy needs, budget, and available space. You need to consider the following aspects of your system size:

Energy Consumption

The amount of energy that your business consumes on a daily, monthly, or annual basis will determine the size and output of your solar system. You can use your electricity bills and energy audits to calculate your energy consumption and demand.

Energy Production

The amount of energy that your solar system can produce will depend on the number, type, and efficiency of your solar panels, as well as the solar potential of your location. 

Energy Storage

The amount of energy that your solar system can store will depend on the capacity and type of your battery storage system, as well as the availability and cost of grid electricity. 


The design of your solar system will affect its aesthetics, performance, and reliability. You need to consider the following aspects of your system design:

Panel Type

The type of solar panel that you choose will affect the efficiency, durability, and cost of your solar system. There are three main types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your preferences and needs. 

Panel Arrangement

The arrangement of your solar panels on your roof will affect the output, shading, and ventilation of your solar system. You need to optimize the layout and orientation of your solar panels to maximize the exposure to sunlight and minimize the losses due to shading and overheating. 


The cost of your solar system will depend on the size, design, and installation of your system, as well as the incentives and financing options that are available to you. You need to consider the following aspects of your system cost:

Capital Cost

The capital cost of your solar system is the upfront cost that you pay for the purchase and installation of your system components, such as the solar panels, inverters, batteries, wiring, mounting, and labour. The capital cost of your solar system will vary depending on the quality, quantity, and complexity of your system components and installation.

Operating Cost

The operating cost of your solar system is the ongoing cost that you pay for the maintenance and operation of your system, such as the cleaning, repair, replacement, monitoring, and insurance of your system components. 

Incentives And Financing

The incentives and financing of your solar system are the financial benefits and support that you receive from various sources, such as the government, utility company, or private lender, to reduce the cost and risk of your solar system. The incentives and financing of your solar system will depend on the eligibility, availability, and terms of the various programs and schemes that are offered to you.


The maintenance of your solar system will ensure its safety, performance, and longevity. You need to consider the following aspects of your system maintenance:


The cleaning of your solar system is the regular removal of dust, dirt, snow, and debris from your solar panels and other system components. The cleaning of your solar system will improve the output and efficiency of your solar panels and prevent the accumulation of moisture and corrosion. 


The inspection of your solar system is the periodic check and assessment of the condition and functionality of your solar panels and other system components. The inspection of your solar system will detect and diagnose any issues or defects that may affect the performance and reliability of your solar system. 


The repair of your solar system is the prompt and proper fixing of any issues or defects that are found in your solar panels and other system components. The repair of your solar system will restore and improve the performance and reliability of your solar system.


Installing commercial solar panels is a smart and sustainable way to power your business in Canada. However, it is not a simple task. You need to keep in mind many things, such as the location, size, design, cost, and maintenance of your solar system. By considering these factors, you can make an informed and effective decision for your solar system installation. 

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