Thread vs String: Do These Mean the Same? How To Use Them

Thread vs String: Do These Mean the Same? How To Use Them
3 min read
29 November 2023

Strings and thread are both essential materials in the textile and crafting industries, often used to join fabrics and other materials. While they may seem similar, there are notable differences between strings and threads that are important for businesses to understand when selecting the right material for their products. This guide will explore these differences and how to effectively use each, providing examples to illustrate the distinct characteristics of strings and thread.

What are threads?

Threads are thin and flexible materials typically used for stitching, embroidering, or sewing materials like fabric. Coats—a renowned supplier—offers a variety of sewing threads made from different materials. Their staple-spun polyester Astra thread and mercerised cotton Coats Dymax thread are popular choices. They also offer Coats Nylbond—a bonded nylon thread made from pre-stabilized continuous filament nylon 6.6 that is known for its exceptional abrasion resistance.

Coats' range includes threads with unique features for specific applications. Aquamelt, for example, is a 100% water-soluble thread that dissolves in warm water, ideal for temporary stitching in various garments. Astra Rugged, a polyester thread designed for denim, offers bleach-fastness and superior abrasion resistance, suitable for demanding sewing tasks.

In the kite or sporting goods industry, a twisted continuous filament bonded polyester thread called Coats Dabond is favoured for its exceptional bond cohesion, ensuring durability even in harsh conditions.

Defining strings

Strings are thin ropes or cords typically made from nylon, cotton, or hemp. One example is Coats Astra FH, an anti-wick cord known for odour prevention and leak protection. It is available in various twists and sizes.

Strings also have applications in teabag manufacturing. Coats Admiral Teabag Vero—made from 100% staple-spun organic cotton—is designed for high performance on popular teabag machines like Mai, Perfecta, Constanta, and IMA.

Distinguishing between strings and thread

The easiest way to differentiate between strings and thread is by their diameter or thickness. Threads are generally thinner, while strings are thicker. The intended application is another key difference. Threads are preferable for stitching or sewing, whereas strings are more suited for applications requiring a thin rope or cord.

For businesses in need of guidance on selecting the right strings and thread, Coats offers expert advice and a wide range of products to meet various needs. Whether it's for garment manufacturing, crafting, or industrial applications, understanding the specific qualities and uses of strings and thread is crucial in making informed choices that contribute to the quality and functionality of the final product.

About the Author:

Coats offer different thread types, and learning which works best for different sewing tasks is crucial. Elevate your wardrobe with Coats thread – the epitome of fashion, durability, and affordability. Offering some of the finest sewing threads globally, including premium polyester and fiber optic yarns. Many leading brands use Coats threads. Moreover, Coats is an expert in designing and supplying a diverse range of technical products to the Performance Materials sector, which serves various strategic end-use markets.

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Coats Group 2
Brush up your wardrobe with Coats thread, the most fashionable, durable and affordable thread on the market. They provide the best sewing threads in the world....
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