
1 min read

The Genesis of Reconstituted Tobacco Leaf

Ever wondered what happens to the leftover tobacco after the precious leaf has been harvested? Enter RTL. This innovative process uses all parts of the tobacco plant, ensuring nothing goes to waste. But how is it made, and what makes it unique?

The Process: How RTL is Made

The production of RTL is an art in itself, requiring expertise, precision, and patience.

Pre-Processing Phase

Before the actual processing begins, the tobacco plant is harvested and air-cured. These cured leaves are then shredded into tiny particles, ready to be reconstituted.

The Transformation Phase

During this stage, the shredded tobacco particles are combined with water and natural binders, forming a pulp-like mixture. This mixture is then spread into thin sheets and dried, producing RTL.

Post-Processing Phase

Once dried, the RTL sheets are then cut into the desired sizes and shapes, ready to be used in various tobacco products.

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Erylfa Erylfa 2
Joined: 2 weeks ago
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