Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Improve Customer Connection

Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Improve Customer Connection
6 min read

Like any business owner, you are always looking for ways to improve your business through a digital medium. The main goal is to stay ahead of competition and just stay ahead of the curve, but business owners need to know that customers are very important in building that connection. They can be your spokesperson or your ambassador and can help you in growing your business. Digital marketing has become customer centric so you can achieve your goals in growing your business as well as achieving 100% customer satisfaction. There are many trends which many businesses are using for achieving their goals. We have made a list of the top 7 digital marketing trends to improve customer connection. So, be aware that these are some of the trends which are adopted by many business owners.

Content Marketing

There is high importance of content marketing for every business owner as it directly connects to B2C (Business to Customer). Content marketing is the process of creating valuable and relevant content to attract new customers and engage them. Although, nowadays it's very difficult because of a noisy and crowded digital space. Customers receive so many marketing messages, and so a well-crafted content marketing strategy can help in competition. This digital marketing service is very helpful with long term goals. This is why it is important to understand that posting quality content will lead to high ranking on search engines. Google only goes for top notch content and useful links!

Video Marketing

Another digital marketing service which is high in demand, a great digital marketing trend, as it’s the smartest way to interact with the consumer digitally. Many business owners use video marketing to drive more traffic and improve conversions. Video marketing can be used for building customer rapport and promoting your brand, services or product. Also, this marketing trend can be used as a medium to show how-to's, promote customer testimonials, and stream live events. Like many of your marketing efforts, video marketing is data driven.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing involving endorsements and product placement between influencers and brands. Influencers are individuals with the power to affect the buying habits of consumers by uploading some form of original content on social media platforms. Influencer marketing happens when a brand onboards influencers who have an established credibility on social media platforms to discuss or mention their brand on their post. Many important things go into planning for an influencer marketing campaign, like picking the budget, choosing the right influencer for your brand marketing and many more.

Voice Search

Voice search is a popular digital marketing trend which has grown over time and is set to grow even more in the coming years. This is because now, more than seventy percent of people use voice search to search a product online rather than going to search for it offline. Search by voice has become very common now amongst users. The market has adopted this technology wholeheartedly, many marketers and business owners have been pursuing it to enhance their businesses online. Since 2011, this search by voice market gained its popularity since the innovative ‘Google Assistant’, and now it has become a battleground for search engines. Optimizing your business for voice search has become a very important digital marketing service for your business to achieve success. Otherwise, you will lose all the potential customers you can achieve by optimizing the voice search feature. Nowadays, consumers prefer to search for anything they want by announcing the term rather than typing it.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of virtual marketing that lets the company develop accurate consumer insights for business. AI is defined as one of the best approaches to predicting the next step of customers for them to have an amazing experience. This digital marketing service will assist executives in analysing the preferences of targeted audiences and give them the best personalised offerings a marketing executive can give. AI is helping digital marketers become more efficient in researching and analysing their customers’ needs and interests. Artificial Intelligence is predicted to generate more than $ 29.5 billion in revenue this year. Customer service chatbots, personalised website browsing, email marketing and many more are important applications of AI.


Chatbots are an amazing digital marketing service which enhances user experience. It allows real time action and creates positive results for customer satisfaction. Nowadays, many brands and companies need to interact with consumers through apps, social media and websites. This is because now, it’s the latest digital marketing trend to generate great customer service, generate brand engagement and create opportunities in real time. A chatbot can help sell, inform and engage the consumer.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is an enchanted version of the real physical world that is achieved through sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It is an emerging trend in marketing, as it allows brands to give customers a unique experience with just a tap on their smartphones. Brands can allow consumers to use their product before buying them through AR which will give the consumers a great shopping experience.

Final Words

These are some of the trends that business owners should get familiar with in coming years. You must take advantage of these digital marketing trends to provide your customers with the greatest experience possible and stand out from the crowd. At Co Lab- The Digital marketing agency Hertfordshire, we provide amazing digital marketing services for your business, if you have any inquiry for your business please do get in touch with our team!

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Scarlett Watson 1.5K
I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing tren...

I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Health, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends. 

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