Top 8 Things to Expect When You Adopt a Cat

Top 8 Things to Expect When You Adopt a Cat
5 min read
11 months ago

Welcoming a cat to your lovely home is a good choice and life-changing. As each pet has unique features and behaviors, it is better to get prepared to welcome your pet. You might be thinking about what to expect or prepare when you adopt a cat. Let us examine them.

Plan Your Expenses

The happiness of cat companionship is priceless, but you must expect a cost for your cat. There will be initial expenses for bringing a cat home, medical care, supplies, licensing and microchipping, and more. It ranges, depending on whether or not you pay for procedures like spaying or neutering and vaccination.

Go shopping for supplies.

It is essential to buy essentials before you welcome your new cat. Your cat needs: 

  • A mandatory breakaway collar and ID tag.
  • Healthy food and treats.
  • Cats need a separate food bowl and a water bowl. 
  • A comfortable bed to sleep in.
  • A litter box.
  • A new scratching post. 
  • Toys to make them relax and prevent boredom.
  • A well-ventilated cat carrier.

Plan the introduction and give a Gentle Welcome.

If you have other pets, it is better not to introduce them to other pets initially. Proper planning is for successful adoption, and it requires patience to ensure a smooth transition for the newest member.  So when you welcome a cat to your home, you must expect a little time to get in touch with the cat. Additionally, let your new cat and existing pet smell each other under the safe room door initially before letting them meet face-to-face.

Set up a safe room

Cats placed in a strange place can make them feel uneasy, and they always wish for a safe room. So as a pet owner, you must expect a safe area for your cat that provides them with the security they need. Decorate the room with food, a litter box, a bed, and cat things. Make sure the space is free from items that harm your cat. 

Transition Period

Cats, especially adult cats, may need time to adjust to their new surroundings. They may feel anxious or scared initially as they are in a new environment with unfamiliar people and scents. Give your cat time and space to acclimate, providing a quiet and secure area where they can retreat to feel safe.

Cat-proof your home

Once your cat gets comfortable with you, you can allow them to explore other spaces in the house. But before that, you must expect to cat-proof the home. Below are a few things:

  • Keep away things the cat chew on, swallow, or knock over.
  • Make sure your plants are toxic-free, as they are harmful to cats.
  • Keep away products such as medications and cleaning supplies.
  • Keep away from electric cords and plastic bags.
  • Try to close windows and doors for the initial few weeks.
  • Keep Venetian blind cords short or tied up to avoid strangulation.

Behavioral Adjustment

Cats may exhibit certain behaviors as they settle into their new environment. They may hide, vocalize more than usual, or display changes in litter box habits. Monitor their behavior and consult a veterinarian if you notice any concerning changes. Many behaviors get addressed with patience, positive reinforcement, and providing appropriate outlets for play and exercise.

Veterinary Care

It is essential to take your newly adopted cat to a veterinarian for a check-up soon after adoption. The vet will assess their overall health, update vaccinations if necessary, test for any underlying medical conditions, and discuss preventative care, such as flea and tick control and spaying or neutering. Regular veterinary visits will ensure the well-being and catch potential health issues early on.

Prepare yourself to give your cat a warm welcome.

When you plan to adopt a cat, you must expect these things. The above are essential things to expect when you adopt a cat as a pet owner. You should expect the costs, pet’s behavioral factors, routines, supplies, and health.

Remember, each cat is unique, and the adjustment period can vary. Some cats may settle in quickly, while others require more time and patience.

A loving and nurturing environment helps your newly adopted cat feel safe, secure and loved in their forever home. To get the right cat for your choice, search for the keyword adopt a kitten near me. Pet Apps are available for making your favorite adoption. 

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