Transgender Hair Transplant: A Guide To Transitioning On The Scalp

Transgender Hair Transplant: A Guide To Transitioning On The Scalp
5 min read

It may seem strange that this list would include a procedure as simple as hair transplantation. Still, many transgender women want to undergo this process because they're experiencing thinning hair on their scalp—and it's not just because they're taking hormones! The method of transitioning is complex, and it's not something that should be taken lightly. The process can take years and will likely require multiple surgeries on different parts of your body.

Transgender Hair Transplant

Transgender hair transplant, also known as sex reassignment surgery, is a surgical procedure in which hair is transplanted from one area of the scalp to another. Transgender women who undergo transgender hair transplantation will receive an FUE (follicular unit extraction) technique that uses a robotic device that extracts follicles from the donor site (usually at least six months old) and then implants them into recipient sites on the head. This can be done to help offset hormone therapy's effects or restore lost hair on the head following chemotherapy.

Hair transplants are not just limited to those who have undergone gender reassignment surgery—they can also be used by those who want thicker eyebrows or want their existing facial hair removed. Many physicians recommend getting this procedure before any permanent changes like using hormones or undergoing cosmetic procedures like laser treatments for facial hair removal (if you're planning on getting lasers afterward). This allows patients time for healing before undergoing invasive procedures that could affect their new look!

What Is A Transgender Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves follicles from one body part to another. The most common type of hair transplant involves moving these follicles from the back and sides of the head to the front, resulting in a fuller head of hair.

However, other transplants can be used for transgender men who want to transition on their scalps. These procedures typically involve moving hair from behind and around the ears and occasionally cheek areas onto the forehead and temples.

How Does A Transgender Hair Transplant Work?

Transgender hair transplants are also called Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT). In this procedure, a patient's existing hair follicles are removed and implanted into the balding area. Once planted, these follicles will grow new hair. The new growth is permanent.

What Are Some Reasons To Get A Transgender Hair Transplant?

If you are considering a transgender hair transplant, you might be wondering why. There are many reasons why people choose to get this type of hair restoration surgery. The most common include:

  • To achieve a more masculine or feminine appearance
  • To cover up scars from previous surgery or accidents
  • To cover up an existing condition such as alopecia or male pattern baldness

Preparing For Transgender Hair Transplant Surgery

To ensure you have a positive experience, follow these tips before your appointment:

  • Prepare for the possibility that you will wake up in the middle of the night due to pain. Make sure to pack a change of clothes and bring your medications.
  • Bring someone with you who can stay with you before and after surgery. This person should be familiar enough with transgender hair transplant surgery, so they don't become anxious or worried by what they see during recovery.
  • Charge all electronic devices before arrival at the clinic (cell phones, laptops, tablets). You will want access to these while waiting on-site to entertain yourself while waiting in line or during breaks from your procedure; however, most clinics do not permit electronics outside patient rooms (for obvious privacy reasons).

Transgender Hair Transplant Pricing

The price for a transgender hair transplant will depend on the surgeon, the number of grafts needed, and the type of hair transplant performed. Some surgeons charge by how many hours they put into your procedure; others charge per individual graft. The cost can also vary depending on which area is being worked on (for example, front vs. back). Other factors that affect pricing include donor type and several sessions required for your desired results.


A transgender hair transplant can be a great way to start your transition. You must research what other people have experienced with this surgery to know what to expect. You should also consider getting in touch with a qualified medical professional who can advise on which treatments are suitable for your needs and answer any questions you might have before making an appointment with them!

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