Twitter's New Earning Program

2 min read

Twitter users can now earn money in an exciting new method! Twitter has introduced a new scheme that allows authors to earn money. Creators are persons who post entertaining and intriguing content on Twitter, such as tweets and photos.

How Does It Function?

You must be a verified user to participate in this program. Verified users get a unique checkbox next to their name to prove they are genuine. In addition, their tweets should have received at least 5 million views in the last three months.

How to Begin

If you match the conditions and are a creator, you can join the program by attaching your account to a special account called "Stripe." After you link, you'll start earning money from the advertising that appear when others reply to your tweets.

How Much Money Can You Make?

The amount of money you make is determined by how many people see your tweets. The album is named "Impressions." The more people who see you, the more money you can make.

What Others Believe

Some users appreciate this new service since it allows them to monetize their tweets. Others, though, are not pleased. They claim that the 5 million view requirement is too high, and that many authors will be unable to participate.

Idea from Twitter

Despite the conflicting reactions, this program is a significant step forward for user . It has the potential to attract more creators to join this platform to the platform,

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Comments (4)
  1. Fatima Tahir

    I think Twitter's new creator monetization program is a great way to reward creators and attract more talent to the platform. I'm excited to see how it develops in the future. 馃憤

    9 months ago 路
  2. Daniel Thomas

    I really enjoyed learning about Twitter's new creator monetization program in your article. It was well-written and informative, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it with us.

    9 months ago 路
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