Understanding Abdominal Distension after Hernia Surgery

Understanding Abdominal Distension after Hernia Surgery
3 min read


Hernia surgery is a common procedure to repair weakened or damaged abdominal muscles. While the surgery is generally successful, some individuals may notice their stomach appearing larger postoperative. In this mini blog, we’ll explore the why is my stomach bigger after hernia surgery.

Postoperative Swelling:

After any surgical procedure, the body initiates an inflammatory response to aid in the healing process. This often leads to swelling in the operated area, including the abdomen. The increased fluid and inflammation can contribute to a visibly larger stomach immediately after hernia surgery.

Gas and Air Trapped During Surgery:

Surgeons typically use carbon dioxide gas to inflate the abdomen during hernia surgery, creating more space to perform the procedure. While efforts are made to remove this gas after surgery, some may remain trapped in the abdominal cavity. The residual gas can cause temporary distension and bloating until it is naturally absorbed and expelled from the body.

Fluid Retention:

Postoperative fluid retention, or edema, is common as the body adjusts to the trauma of surgery. The tissues around the surgical site may retain fluid, contributing to a swollen appearance. This fluid retention is part of the body’s natural healing response and should subside as the healing process progresses.

Changes in Muscle Tone:

The abdominal muscles may undergo changes in tone and tension as a result of the surgery. The manipulation of tissues during the procedure and the subsequent healing process can temporarily affect the appearance of the muscles. As the muscles recover, their tone should improve, and the stomach may return to its normal size.

Diet and Medications:

Changes in diet, medications, and activity levels during the recovery period can impact gastrointestinal function. Pain medications, altered eating habits, and reduced physical activity can contribute to bloating and a larger stomach. These effects are often temporary and can be managed with proper postoperative care.


It’s important to recognize that a slightly larger stomach after hernia surgery is usually a temporary and normal part of the healing process. Patients should follow their surgeon’s postoperative instructions, including any prescribed medications, dietary recommendations, and activity restrictions. If concerns persist or worsen, consulting with the healthcare provider is crucial to rule out any complications and ensure a smooth recovery. Patience and adherence to the recovery plan are key factors in achieving optimal outcomes after hernia surgery. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vikas Singhal.

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Martin Jack 2
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