Unlocking the Value of Your Locks: How to Sell Your Hair for Money

Unlocking the Value of Your Locks: How to Sell Your Hair for Money
3 min read
30 September 2023


Have you ever wondered if you can turn your luscious locks into cold, hard cash? Well, you're in luck! we'll explore the world of selling hair and provide you with valuable information on how to do it. Whether you're looking to make some extra money or simply want a change, sell my hair can be a rewarding experience.

How much can I sell my hair for?

  • The price you can fetch for your hair depends on various factors, including length, color, and overall quality. Here's a breakdown of potential earnings:

a. Length: Longer hair tends to fetch higher prices. If you have hair that's 10 inches or longer, you're in a good position to make a decent sum.

b. Color: Natural hair colors like blonde, brunette, and black generally sell better than unconventional colors. However, unique shades can also have a niche market.

c. Quality: Well-maintained, healthy hair without chemical treatments can command higher prices. Buyers are often willing to pay more for hair that's in pristine condition.

Where can I sell my hair for money?

  • There are several options when it comes to selling your hair:

a. Online Hair Marketplaces: Websites like HairSellon and OnlineHairAffair specialize in connecting hair sellers with potential buyers. You can create listings, set your price, and negotiate with interested parties.

b. Social Media: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have hair-selling communities. You can join groups or create posts to reach potential buyers.

c. Salons and Stylists: Some salons purchase hair from individuals for use in extensions or wigs. Contact local salons to inquire if they are interested.

d. Hair Auctions: There are rare instances of hair auctions, especially for particularly unique or historical hair strands.

Preparing Your Hair for Sale

  • To maximize your hair's value, follow these steps:

a. Maintain Healthy Hair: Keep your hair in excellent condition by using quality hair products, avoiding excessive heat styling, and getting regular trims.

b. Document Your Hair: Take clear photos of your hair from different angles and include measurements.

. Set a Reasonable Price: Research similar listings to get an idea of the market price. Be realistic about what you can ask for based on the quality of your hair.

The Selling Process

  • Once you've found a buyer, you'll need to negotiate the terms and arrange the sale. Here are some tips:

a. Use Secure Payment Methods: For online transactions, opt for secure payment methods like PayPal to ensure a smooth and safe exchange of funds.

b. Ship Safely: When sending your hair to the buyer, package it carefully to avoid damage during transit. 

Be Transparent: Communicate openly with the buyer about your hair's condition and any special requests they may have.


Sell your hair can be a unique and profitable experience if done right. Whether you're looking to make a bit of extra money or simply want to make a change, understanding the market, preparing your hair, and connecting with potential buyers are key steps in the process. So, if you're ready to part with your locks, follow these guidelines to unlock the value of your hair. Happy selling!

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