What are the Strategies for Managing Duplicate and Similar Photos

What are the Strategies for Managing Duplicate and Similar Photos
5 min read
26 December 2023

We are destined to accumulate duplicate images these days since we shoot so many and have so many options for sharing them. Although we may easily modify our photographs with modern photo editing tools, we run the risk of making duplicate images. Having so many pictures makes it difficult to recall what we did, which might be confusing when we see our computerized photo collection. There may be a ton of duplicate pictures in the end.

Thankfully, we discovered a few easy methods to prevent and get rid of duplicate images. Continue reading to learn how to prevent and get rid of duplicate pictures on your computer. Avoiding creating and importing duplicate images onto your computer is the greatest method to get rid of them. The best course of action is prevention. This post will discuss how to detect and get rid of duplicate images from your media library in addition to how to prevent making them.

Strategies And Methods To Manage Duplicate And Similar Photos

Here we have shortlisted some of the best and most efficient ways to sort out your duplicate images and remove them from your device.

Method1: Delete Duplicates Using Software

As the number of duplicate pictures on your system increases, your disk drive becomes disorganized and you begin to run out of valuable storage space. Your PC may run more slowly as a result of this. To get around this, all you have to do is download the Duplicate Photo Finder & Cleaner program and begin erasing identical or almost identical photographs.

With just a few clicks, the program will locate the "bad" photographs and hunt for duplicates. Next, you'll have the option to scan for duplicates before erasing them or to have them deleted automatically. By allowing you to remove duplicates simultaneously, DPC makes managing your photographs a breeze.

Method2: Sort Images and Compare Folders

If you'd rather not use any software and are being very careful, you may do it all by hand. To do this, begin by comparing folders and sorting your photographs by date or name. Then, look for duplicates. After that, pick out any duplicates you discover and remove them to get back that space.

Not only is this process time-consuming and laborious, but it also has the potential to be inaccurate. If you're not careful, you could get bored easily and start skipping files, accidentally leaving some duplicates. Worse still, you may accidentally remove important photographs. We thus advise against using this strategy unless you cherish your photographs and have few accidental copies.

Also know: Can I Use AI Photo Editing Software

Method3: Move Duplicates to a Backup Folder

Another option for dealing with duplicate photos is to transfer them to a backup folder. This will allow you to make more room in your main storage. You may create a backup folder on a different disk drive that isn't also your main storage drive, or you can utilize an online service like Google Photos or Microsoft OneDrive.

Method4: Replace Duplicates With a Symbolic Link to the Original File

You can find symbolic links, which are similar to desktop shortcuts, anywhere on your computer, and they will take you to the real file. You may liberate a ton of space by using the "Replace with symbolic link" choices in Duplicate Photo Cleaner. The greatest thing is that your current folder and file structure will be preserved, but unnecessary images will be deleted, freeing up valuable disk space.


Your original picture files, accessible via the symbolic link you just made, will be redirected whenever you make a request for them. Such connections need not be limited to a single storage disk, partition, or even a network. Always keep in mind that symbolic links are not backups; removing the source picture will cause the connection to dissolve.

Also know: How to Recover Photos from an SD Card?

Method5: Use Photo Management Software

If you attempt to import the same photos more than once, photo management software such as Google Photos or Mac Photos will identify the duplicates for you. You should know that these apps can't detect duplicates in your albums. The applications are, without a doubt, far superior to the antiquated Pictures folder.

Wrapping Up The Strategies For Managing Duplicate And Similar Photos

The response is, well, it depends. Everybody has duplicate photos on their PCs. The duplicate photos we made, nevertheless, were made with a definite purpose in mind, such as posting them to my trip blog, distributing them online, or printing them. Even though these pictures are duplicates, they have been altered and have a different quality, so they are not perfect replicas. But the methods we've listed will assist you in preventing duplicate images from ever being taken in the first place if you want to get rid of them from your computer.

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Edwin John 2
Joined: 2 years ago
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