Weight Limits for Trampoline Parks

Weight Limits for Trampoline Parks
4 min read
16 September 2022

Many parents are surprised to learn that trampoline parks do not have a weight limit, even for children under six. Many parks allow children as young as three years old to bounce on trampolines. However, some weight restrictions should be followed to stay safe.

What is a Trampoline Park?

A trampoline park is a fun and safe place for families to go together and have some fun. A trampoline park is like a giant playground, with bounce houses, a climbing wall, a mini golf course, and more. There are usually different age groups so that everyone can have fun.

The maximum weight limit for a trampoline park is 350 pounds. This means that people of all ages can enjoy the park safely.

If you are over 350 pounds and want to visit a trampoline park, be sure to call ahead and ask about the weight limit for that particular park. Some parks have much higher weight limits than others do.

What are the weight limits for trampoline parks?

Trampoline parks are often touted as an excellent way for families to enjoy the fun together. Still, it's essential to be aware of the weight limits in place for these facilities. Most trampoline parks have a limit of 400 pounds, which is lower than the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) recommendation of 600 pounds. Even if your entire family weighs over 400 pounds, you can still go on the trampoline if you're within the weight limit. However, suppose you're significantly overweight or obese. In that case, you may not be able to use a trampoline safely and should consider other exercise forms.

Who sets the weight limits for trampoline parks?

Trampoline parks are a great way for kids and adults to get some exercise. However, many people don't realize that these indoor park have weight restrictions. Who sets the weight limits for trampoline parks?

There is no one set answer to this question. In some cases, the weight limits are set by the local municipality. In other cases, the park's owner or operator may set the weight limits.

Regardless of who sets the weight limits, it is essential to know them in case you have any plans to visit a trampoline park. Some parks have weight restrictions of up to 350 pounds, while others have lower conditions.

It is also important to remember that the weight limit may change depending on the season. For example, many parks will allow heavier individuals to participate during the summertime. Conversely, during the wintertime, the weight limit may be lower due to the increased risk of injury.


Weight Limits for Trampoline Parks

image source: https://www.pinterest.ph

When do the weight limits go into effect?

The weight limits for trampoline parks will go into effect on July 1, 2020.

What happens if I exceed the weight limit?

If you exceed the weight limit for a trampoline park, a few things can happen. The most likely outcome is that you will be asked to leave the park. If you refuse to go, the park staff may physically remove you from the park. In some cases, the park staff may contact law enforcement to have you removed from the park.


Weight Limits for Trampoline Parks

image source: https://www.pinterest.ph


If you're planning on bringing your trampoline to a park or playground with weight limits, be sure to ask before you buy. Some parks have specific restrictions, like no more than 150 pounds per single unit or no more than 400 pounds total for an entire park. Other parks may not have any weight limitations at all. However, they may still require that users are at least 18 years old and have the appropriate safety equipment (like a helmet and shoulder pads). Whichever park you choose, make sure you know the rules so that you can enjoy your time there safely.


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