What Are Congenital Hand Deformities and What Can Be Done About Them?

What Are Congenital Hand Deformities and What Can Be Done About Them?
4 min read

Congenital hand deformities are physical anomalies present at birth, affecting the structure, form, and function of a child's hands. These deformities can vary greatly in severity and complexity, ranging from minor cosmetic issues to significant impairments that can hinder daily activities. Understanding these conditions and the available treatments is crucial for parents and caregivers. Renowned facilities like Aakash Hospital in Dwarka are at the forefront of providing specialized care for these conditions, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.

The Types of Congenital Hand Deformities

Congenital hand deformities can be broadly categorized based on their developmental anomalies: when parts don’t form properly, when parts of the hand do not separate, and variations in the number or size of fingers.

When Parts Don’t Form Properly

This category includes conditions such as radial club hand, where the radius bone is underdeveloped, leading to a deviation of the hand towards the thumb side. Another condition is ulnar club hand, less common than radial club hand, characterized by an underdevelopment of the ulnar bone.

When Parts of the Hand Do Not Separate

Syndactyly, the most common congenital hand deformity, falls into this category. It occurs when two or more fingers are fused together. Simple syndactyly involves the skin and soft tissues, while complex syndactyly also involves the fusion of bones.

Multiple or Duplicate Fingers

Polydactyly is a condition characterized by having more than five fingers on a hand. This can range from a small, raised bump to a fully formed extra finger. Polydactyly can occur on one or both hands and may involve complex surgical correction.

Undergrowth of Fingers

Brachydactyly is a condition where one or more fingers are unusually short due to underdeveloped bones. This condition can vary in severity and may affect the hand's function.

Overgrown Fingers

Macrodactyly is when one or more fingers are abnormally large due to overgrowth of the underlying bone and soft tissue. This can cause significant functional and cosmetic concerns.


The approach to treating congenital hand deformities is multifaceted and highly individualized, considering the type and severity of the deformity, the child's age, and overall health. The primary goal is to improve the hand's function and appearance, enabling the child to perform daily activities with minimal limitations.

Surgical intervention is often recommended and can include procedures to separate fused fingers, remove extra fingers, reconstruct underdeveloped parts, and resize over- or undergrown fingers. Non-surgical treatments, such as physical therapy and the use of splints or casts, may also play a critical role in the treatment plan, especially when combined with surgery.

Orthopedic specialists, particularly those at reputable institutions like Aakash Hospital in Dwarka, are pivotal in diagnosing and managing congenital hand deformities. These professionals are equipped with the expertise and technology to offer comprehensive care, from initial assessment through surgery and post-operative rehabilitation.


Congenital hand deformities are diverse conditions that can significantly impact a child's life. However, with advancements in medical science and surgical techniques, many children with these deformities can lead full and active lives. Early intervention, guided by specialists in pediatric orthopedic in Aakash hospital Dwarka, such as those at Aakash Hospital in Dwarka, is crucial in achieving optimal outcomes. Through personalized treatment plans that may include both surgical and non-surgical approaches, children with congenital hand deformities have a promising path to improved function and appearance of their hands, ensuring a better quality of life.


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