What are Extreme Sports

What are Extreme Sports
3 min read
17 November 2022

Extreme sports are an interesting niche within the industry. While many of us may associate extreme sports with snowboarding, skateboarding, bungee jumping, or surfing, this niche encompasses a lot more. This includes activities like mountain climbing, scuba diving, sky diving, and others.

This niche is very active and growing fast. According to the International Association of Extreme Adventure Sports, the extreme adventure sports industry is expected to grow by about 7% from 2012 to 2013. 

This article isn't going to focus on any one particular extreme sport. Instead, I'm going to cover a few of the most popular ones.

Mountain Climbing

Mountain climbing has been around for centuries. It's a form of physical exercise that requires strength, balance, and endurance. Mountain climbers are often referred to as rock climbers.

The term "mountain climbing" is used to describe any climbing that takes place on a mountain. Some of the common methods of mountain climbing include:

Rock Climbing - This method uses artificial holds made out of rope and metal. These are often called "aids". A climber will use his/her body weight and arms to pull themselves up the rock.

Ascent - This method involves climbing up the mountain and making it back down again. It's a pretty dangerous form of climbing.

Free Soloing - Free soloing is considered the ultimate form of mountain climbing. It involves climbing a mountain without the aid of ropes or other equipment.

While this may seem like a very risky method of mountain climbing, a free soloist has a high chance of falling at some point. However, most cases of death involve a fall off a cliff.

Sky Diving

Sky diving is one of the most exciting forms of extreme sports. It involves parachuting out of an aircraft and then gliding down to earth. The altitude of the jump varies depending on the activity.

Most skydivers will glide down from 10,000 feet (3000 m) up to 100,000 feet (30,000 m). This will allow them to glide for up to 20 minutes or more. The average skydive lasts about 8 seconds.

The first recorded sky dive was done by the Wright Brothers in 1903. It wasn't until the 1930s that commercial flights were available.

In the 1950s, skydiving became a big part of the counterculture. The popularity of the sport grew over the next few decades.

One of the most popular sports for skydivers is BASE Jumping. It's a method of sky diving where the parachute is opened after the jump. The goal is to land as close to a fixed object as possible.

A BASE jumper will jump off a cliff or other object, then climb down a structure (such as a building or a tower). When they reach the bottom, they will release a parachute. After that, they will glide down to the ground.

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