What does a sapphire engagement ring symbolize?

What does a sapphire engagement ring symbolize?
6 min read
18 November 2022


Sapphire is the birthstone for September, and it's considered to be one of the most beautiful gems in existence. It has been mined in South Africa since AD 1400 and is primarily used as an engagement ring or wedding band because its color intensifies when someone is faithful to you and fades when they are not. The word sapphire comes from the Greek word for blue, "sappheiros." Sapphire was thought to protect people from envy, poison, and jealousy by wearing them on their fingers or around their necks as jewelry.

A sapphire is the second-hardest gemstone after a diamond.

A sapphire is the second-hardest gemstone after a diamond. It's also one of the most beautiful and expensive gems on earth. A sapphire engagement ring has been worn by royalty, pop stars and even movie stars for centuries. But what does it mean to wear this gemstone?

A sapphire can be found in many different colors: pink, blue or purple (sometimes). The most famous type of colorless sapphire is known as "white" because it looks like glass when held up against another piece of jewelry made out of another color—like gold or silver. The reason why these types of stones get so much attention is that they're so rare! You won't see them in any jewelry store near you unless you go online shopping where there are tons available for purchase at affordable prices on Amazon Prime shipping fees included!

The word sapphire comes from the Greek word for blue, "sappheiros."

The word sapphire comes from the Greek word for blue, "sappheiros." It's believed that this gemstone was first used as an amulet by the ancient Egyptians and Romans.

Sapphires were first found in India around 3000 BC, but it wasn't until about 200 AD that they became popular outside of Egypt and Persia. The Romans thought sapphires were so rare that they believed they came from heaven!

Today there are over 250 varieties of sapphire; each one has different properties depending on its color and clarity (the more opaque a stone is, the higher its value).

Sapphire is the birthstone for September.

Sapphire is the birthstone for September, which means that it's a great choice to give as an engagement ring. Sapphire is also traditionally given as a gift on the 40th wedding anniversary and through September.

In the middle ages, people believed sapphire could protect them against envy and poison.

In the middle ages, people believed that sapphire could protect them against envy and poison. It was also thought to have healing powers and to promote good health. It symbolizes purity and faithfulness, which are qualities you want your fiancé to embody in their relationship with you!

In medieval times, clergy wore rings set with sapphires to symbolize heaven.

In medieval times, clergy wore rings set with sapphires to symbolize heaven. The blue stone was considered the most precious gemstone of all time, and it was believed to protect against envy and poison. Sapphire also represented purity because it doesn't get dirty or tarnish easily like other stones, making it perfect for wedding rings!

During Victorian times, people believed that a sapphire's color intensified when a spouse was faithful and faded when they were not.

During Victorian times, people believed that a sapphire's color intensified when a spouse was faithful and faded when they were not. This belief was rooted in the fact that sapphires tend to be blue or purple and many people associated these colors with love and fidelity.

Sapphires have also been used as symbols of trustworthiness since ancient times. In Ancient Egypt, Sapphires were associated with Hathor: The Egyptian goddess of joy, love and beauty who was often depicted wearing an amethyst ring on her finger (a symbol similar to today's engagement rings). She was worshipped at Luxor Temple where she had statues created depicting herself holding an amethyst stone in one hand and an ankh necklace around her neck—both symbols representing eternal life through marriage union between husband/wife duo or triad (husband/wife couple plus child).

The gemstone is associated with good health and healing powers.

Sapphire is a stone of good health and healing powers. The gemstone is associated with the throat chakra, which means it can help you feel more grounded in your body and mind.

It also has been used as an aid to meditation, as it helps you focus on what's important in your life right now. This will help you see things more clearly when making decisions about marriage or other major life events (such as buying a house).

Sapphire is the perfect engagement ring option if you are looking for something more practical than diamonds·

Sapphire is the perfect engagement ring option if you are looking for something more practical than diamonds. Sapphire is a durable gemstone, and it's second only to diamond in hardness. This means that sapphire rings can last longer than any other type of gem. Because of this durability, Sapphire engagement rings are also seen as symbols of loyalty and fidelity—two things that every couple wants from their relationship!

Sapphires are also associated with September's birthstone; it was believed that people born under this sign would be more successful in life than those born under other signs such as Taurus or Libra. Sapphire has been used throughout history to promote health and healing due to its ability to regulate blood pressure levels within the body (which helps prevent strokes).


After reading this article, I hope you have a better idea about what to expect from your engagement ring.

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