What happens during laser hair removal?

What happens during laser hair removal?
6 min read
23 November 2022


Laser hair removal is a quick, minor procedure that can remove unwanted hair from your body. The whole process takes just minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. If you're curious about how laser hair removal works, keep reading!

First, the doctor cleans the area that's being treated with an antiseptic.

The first step of the procedure is to clean the area with an antiseptic. This will help prevent infection, which can be painful and may lead to further discomfort. The doctor will apply an antiseptic cream or spray before treatment, then again after it's done so that any bacteria on your skin stay away from your hair follicles.

If you have sensitive skin or allergies to medications, ask about alternatives during your consultation with a dermatologist

Next, they'll apply a cooling gel to the area to be treated.

Next, they'll apply a cooling gel to the area to be treated. This helps reduce pain and swelling in the area as well as speed up your healing process. The cooling gel is applied both before and after treatment.

Then, they'll hold a handheld laser device to your skin, activating it as they move it over the treatment area.

Once the doctor has determined where to place the laser, they'll hold a handheld laser device to your skin, activating it as they move it over the treatment area. The device is shaped like a pen and looks sort of like a small handheld gadget that you could use at home to remove unwanted facial hair or body hair. It may be used in combination with other treatments such as electrolysis or IPL (intense pulsed light).

The doctor will move this device quickly over your scalp and pinpoint individual follicles so that only those hairs will be removed by your session.

The pulses of light hit the hair follicles in that area, which absorb the light and heat up.

Laser hair removal treatment is a painless procedure, which targets the hair follicles. The laser heats up and damages the follicles enough that they no longer produce hair. Afterward, your skin will be smooth and clear of unwanted beards or mustaches. This process can take anywhere from three to five sessions depending on how much hair you have on your body and how dark it is in color (this will affect the intensity of light needed for treatment).

The heat damages the follicles enough that they no longer produce hair.

Once the laser hits the follicle, it heats up and damages it enough that it no longer produces hair. Other methods of hair removal, such as waxing or shaving, can also cause damage to your skin and cause irritation when you're trying to remove your hair.

It can take a few weeks or months for all the dead hair to fall out.

The hair will fall out over time, but it can take a few weeks or months for all the dead hair to fall out. You'll know that the laser treatment has worked when you see less in the mirror and feel less hair on your skin.

You may also notice that some of the treated areas have gone bald; this is normal during treatment and will happen gradually over time as more of your body is covered by new growth.

As a rule of thumb: if you've been having trouble finding an area where you can still see any hairs left behind, wait at least six months before trying again!

The whole process takes just minutes depending on the size of the area.

The whole process takes just minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. The process can be painful, but numbing cream can help. There are different types of lasers that can be used for laser hair removal including CO2 and Q-switched lasers.

The laser works by destroying pigment in your skin which causes hair to stop growing back after a few weeks or months depending on how much pigment you have in your skin (the more you have, the longer it takes for new growth). This doesn't mean that you'll never get any new growth again though; experts say that if you don't use sunscreen regularly then there's a chance that some hairs will come back while others don't—but we'll talk more about this later!

Laser hair removal is a quick, minor procedure.

There is no doubt that laser hair removal denver is a quick, minor procedure. It's safe and effective, and you can get it done in a clinic, spa, or doctor's office.

The first step is to prepare your skin by washing it with soap and warm water. Then apply an anti-itch cream such as hydrocortisone 1% ointment on the area where you will be treating (the treatment area).


In the end, laser hair removal is a quick and minor procedure that does not require surgery. It's not a permanent solution for baldness or dandruff, but it can help you feel more confident in your appearance and easily cope with long-term problems associated with hair loss. You can also use this treatment on other parts of your body where there are patches of unwanted hair growth.

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