What is Conditional Access?

What is Conditional Access?
1 min read

Conditional access system work by encrypting digital transport streams (the pay-TV content) and sending authorizations to decrypt the content separately via entitlement management messages (EMM) . Global CAS systems are underpinned by specific industry standards such as Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), and the very important DVB Simulcrypt interface standard for digital television.

So, in this situation, only subscribers paying their bills and meeting the ‘conditions of access can watch the content being transmitted. Pay-TV operators adopted solutions created by CAS vendors to manage content protection and ensure that they and other rights holders could monetize their assets.

Under this system, the satellite or cable feed is distributed to everyone, and the transmitting organization does not receive any feedback regarding who is picking up their feed or what they are doing with it. 

Conditional access systems work by requiring certain criteria to be met before granting a user access to the content. Here’s a closer look at how conditional access systems work. 

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Saahil Khan 276
Joined: 3 years ago
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