What is Support Coordination and How Do You Get It?

Support coordination is a vital aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that assists participants in navigating their support options and accessing the services they need to achieve their goals. At Carer Connection Disability Services, we understand the importance of specialist support coordination in Melbourne and strive to provide comprehensive assistance to individuals with disabilities. In this blog, we'll delve into what support coordination entails and how you can access it.

Understanding Support Coordination

Support coordination is a funded support category under the NDIS designed to help participants effectively utilize their NDIS plans. It involves working with a support coordinator who acts as a guide, advocate, and facilitator, assisting participants in:

  1. Navigating the NDIS: Support coordinators help participants understand their NDIS plans, including their budgets, funding allocations, and available supports. They ensure that participants are aware of their rights and responsibilities within the NDIS framework.
  2. Developing Support Plans: Support coordinators work collaboratively with participants to develop individualized support plans that align with their goals, preferences, and needs. They identify suitable service providers and assist participants in accessing the most appropriate supports and services.
  3. Connecting with Service Providers: Support coordinators help participants connect with service providers, including allied health professionals, therapists, community organizations, and other support services. They facilitate the coordination of appointments, assessments, and interventions to ensure seamless service delivery.
  4. Building Capacity: Support coordinators empower participants to build their capacity to exercise choice and control over their supports. They provide guidance on self-advocacy, decision-making, and problem-solving, enabling participants to become more confident and independent in managing their NDIS plans.
  5. Monitoring Progress: Support coordinators monitor participants' progress towards their goals and regularly review their support plans to ensure they remain relevant and effective. They address any challenges or barriers that may arise, advocating for adjustments to participants' plans as needed.

How to Access Support Coordination

Accessing support coordination through Carer Connection Disability Services is a straightforward process:

  1. NDIS Plan Approval: To access support coordination, you must have an approved NDIS plan that includes funding for support coordination services. If you're eligible for the NDIS, you can work with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner to include support coordination in your plan.
  2. Choose Carer Connection Disability Services: Once support coordination is included in your NDIS plan, you can choose Carer Connection Disability Services as your preferred provider. Our team of experienced support coordinators is dedicated to assisting you in achieving your goals and maximizing your NDIS funding.
  3. Initial Consultation: After selecting Carer Connection Disability Services, you'll have an initial consultation with one of our support coordinators. During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals, preferences, and support needs, laying the foundation for your personalized support plan.
  4. Commence Support Coordination: Once your support plan is developed and approved, our support coordinator will commence working with you to implement your plan, connect you with service providers, and support you in achieving your goals.


Support coordination plays a crucial role in helping NDIS participants navigate their support options and achieve their goals. At Carer Connection Disability Services, we're committed to providing specialist support coordination in Melbourne to empower individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling and independent lives. If you're looking to access support coordination services, contact us today to get started on your NDIS journey.


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