What Is THC Syrup With Its Benefits and Drawbacks?

What Is THC Syrup With Its Benefits and Drawbacks?
6 min read

THC syrup has been a popular way to use cannabis for years. It's simple, sweet and you can take it any which way that fits your mood. But lately there have been some confusing similarities between the product THC Syrup and Lean also known as Sizzurp or Purple Drink. This is mainly due in part by its ingredients being similar sounding words like hemp or cannabis.

People have been confusing cannabis users by naming their products after the drug craze that has caused untold damage. These people are also unaware of how many dangers there really could be in using promethazine cough syrup as ingredients for making THC infused edibles or tinctures, which makes sense because we all know alcohol is bad news highest when mixed together. Visit Wellington's MMJ doctor to know more about THC. 

What is THC Syrup?

THC syrup is like the ultimate cannabis-infused cough remedy, but without that medicine flavor you're used to. It's essentially thickened simple syrup made with coconut oil or vegetable glycerin as an agent.

The traditional delivery method for cannabis is through spoonful, but there's also a modern day version that can be taken sublingually or orally. It has the same texture as cough syrup so it often gets marketed like this too. 

Similar packaging helps make sure you know how to take your medicine correctly and just islands into one of these two modes. Either by taking an entire dose at once or sprinkling some on top spinning things before bedtime where it goes straight into the bloodstream faster than most other methods.

The high from THC syrup is often sugar lated, so be careful if you have diabetes or are a beginner user. If it's not possible to consume medicinal cannabis any other way try the alternative methods before using this product with plenty of added glucose powder.

How to effectively take THC syrup?

Sublingual Use

The sublingual route of administration is a quick and efficient way to deliver drugs into your bloodstream. This means that instead of having those pesky stomach acids break down the drug before it can enter systemic circulation. These cannabinoids will immediately start working their magic on what needs healing or relaxing without any interference from other bodily tissues where toxins are stored.

You can also take THC by mouth if you want a quicker high. It will go straight to your bloodstream and get absorbed into the blood vessels there, giving an effect almost immediately. Though this may not last as long because some people find their bodies removing themselves more quickly from smoking marijuana than eating food or drinking liquids with higher alcohol content.

Swallows of Wine

To enjoy the benefits of THC as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is best to consume them through a liquid form such as drinks or foods with sauces. Most people who use cannabis infuse their product into these types for slower absorption rates but faster reactions when compared against eating an entire edible item all at once.

In Homemade Recipes

THC can be used in a variety of ways, such as with food. In some cases people mix it for their pancakes and on other occasions they might add the cannabinoid to salad dressings or marinades; just measure out your dose correctly so you know how much product will go into each dish.

How to Make Homemade THC Syrup

Homemade THC syrup is easy to make. The main ingredient of this cannabis-infused solution, called “simple syrup” for its equal parts sugar and water content in just two simple ingredients. You can use it as an ingredient or drink on its own either way you will feel the effects right away with no need for smoking joints all day long.

Bring 3 cups of water to a low boil on the stove. Add in 3/4 cup each sugar and hemp extract or concentrate, depending on how strong you want your brew. You can also use decarboxylase cannabis with this method. It's just simple slow heating so that all those beneficial cannabinoids like THC become available for us humans instead of being stored within fiber materials like wood chips do when they're coolest at about 55 degrees F.

After heating the water, remove from heat and add two tablespoons of vegetable glycerin to thicken.  Stirring occasionally is key when cooking with cannabis so that it doesn't scorch at bottom or boils over top. 

You can also strain out any plant matter if need be before storing in an airtight container away from light which will cause THC degradation even faster than previously mentioned above due its sensitivity towards natural sunlight radiation.

How Long Can THC Syrup Be Kept?

If you're looking to make your own THC syrup, be sure that the recipe includes an acid like lemon juice or vinegar. It's important for stability purposes. However if storage in glass isn't possible then keep it away from light because this will cause forensic degradation of cannabinoids which could lead backrance into identifying information about who made/sold them. 

What Can THC Syrup Be Used For?

The appeal of THC syrup is that it can be taken sublingually, which means you'll feel the effects faster than if eaten or smoked. It also has other cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) for their medicinal properties.

However these benefits come at the cost of not as strong smell and lacking in flavor so this might help those with nausea/low appetite issues who don't want to eat something heavy but still need some pain relief.

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Scarlett Watson 1.5K
I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing tren...

I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Health, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends. 

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