What Is the Most Effective News Release Format?

What Is the Most Effective News Release Format?
7 min read

The Best Way to Format a News Release.

News releases are an important part of any business's marketing strategy, but they can be difficult to write and format. The goal of any news release is to communicate information quickly and effectively so that it's easy for journalists to understand what you're trying to say. That said, not all news releases are created equal: some have more impact than others because they're well-written or formatted in a unique way. In this post, we'll discuss how best to format your own news release (and why).


The first thing to keep in mind when writing headlines is that they should be short and to the point. The length of your headline will determine how many words you can use, so it's important to keep the amount of information you want to convey under control.

Headlines should also strive for clarity and relevance; if a reader doesn't understand what the article is about or why it matters, then there's no reason for them to read further. Similarly, if an important aspect of the story isn't conveyed in its headline (like "The company was sued by a former employee"), then readers won't know why they should care either!

Headlines should also avoid jargon or abbreviations whenever possible; simply stating something like "Umbrella Insurance Covers Everything" might sound more professional than saying "Company X Offers Umbrella Insurance Coverage," but both versions have roughly equal chances at getting clicked on by search engines like Google—which means neither one will help move your story forward in any significant way

The Lead

The lead is the most important part of a newswire press release It should be short and to the point, with just enough information about what happened so that you can quickly summarize for your readers in one sentence or less. You don't want to bore them with unnecessary details or jargon; instead, focus on what happened and why it's important.

The lead should grab your reader's attention as soon as they read it—and keep their attention until the end! In other words: make sure it's newsworthy and relevant to the story being told by using accurate language (no slang) and avoiding filler words such as “um” or “like."


Subheadings are a great way to break up text and make it easier to read. They can be used in any situation where you need to highlight key points of information, such as an overview of your company or product line. You don't have to use them for every sentence—just when there's something that needs extra emphasis, such as a title or name of someone who is important for understanding what's being written about.

There are two ways to create subheads: by adding them manually (with Word's "Insert" toolbar), or by using Word's automatic formatting capabilities via its Style tab under the Paragraph group on the Home tab (see this screenshot).

Bullet Points

Bullet points are a great way to break up the text and highlight key points. Bullet points should be short and concise, with each bullet carrying its own weight in the overall message. This can be accomplished by numbering every paragraph of your press release (or section), as well as using numbered bullets throughout each section so that readers know where they're reading from and where they have left off.

Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of your 24-7 press release should be short, snappy and easy to read. It's also imperative that you lead with a relevant quote from your client or subject matter expert. Don't make the mistake of using passive verbs in the first sentence of your opening paragraph: "The company said." Instead, use active verbs such as "said" or "claimed."

Your lead sentence may include any number of other details about what happened (when it happened, where it happened) as long as they're relevant to your story—but don't overdo it!

A good way to avoid this pitfall is by starting each new paragraph with an active verb so that all sentences are full sentences instead of fragments (for example: “Company X says it will meet its deadline”).

Body Copy

Body Copy is the portion of a issue press release that includes all of the information about your company and product or service. It should be concise, but not too short—keep in mind that this is where people will read to learn more about you and what you offer. The main focus should be on providing details about who you are, what you do, where it's located (if it's local), when it started up (if applicable), etc., with an emphasis on how this relates to the reader’s life.

  • Use active voice whenever possible: This means avoiding passive verbs such as "was" or "are." Active verbs give clarity to sentences by making them more direct and engaging readers' attention (e.g., “We offer affordable vacation packages so our customers can enjoy themselves without spending too much money."). It also helps avoid confusion because words like "sell," "make," etc., have been used elsewhere in sentence structures without distinction between subjects/objects; if we reword our sentence using active voice instead: "Our company sells affordable vacation packages."

A well-formatted news release is more likely to get picked up by a news editor.

A well-formatted news release is more likely to get picked up by a news editor.

A well-formatted press release sites is also more likely to be shared on social media, which means that you can reach your target audience in one fell swoop. And if you're looking for an easy way to get your work noticed, search engines like Google and Bing will reward anyone who puts out quality content—and well-written releases are some of the highest quality topics out there!


In conclusion, it's important to keep in mind that there are many different styles and formats for newswire press release. A well-formatted release will capture the attention of a news editor who has limited time to read through all of the material that comes in, but also makes it easy for readers to understand what they're reading. The key is finding out what works best for your type of organization and sticking with it!

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