What is the odor of waste tires when thermally decomposed?

What is the odor of waste tires when thermally decomposed?
3 min read
03 August 2022

The smell of used tires is one of the clearest and most evident indicators that the tires may be dangerous to the environment. Waste tires are a major contributor to environmental pollution. In this post, we will cover the smell that is produced by the thermal breakdown of used tires as well as the variables that contribute to that smell. We have high hopes that this information will assist you in making more informed choices regarding the disposal of your used tires and the mitigation of the negative effects those tires have on the environment.

The Science Behind Waste Tires Decomposition

The scientific method for the decomposition of used tires is a method that is carried out gradually and starts with the disintegration of the polymer molecules that make up the tread and the fabric of the tire. These molecules are eventually reduced to smaller carbon-based compounds thanks to the combined efforts of the heat from the environment and the bacteria that are working on the used tires. These chemicals, when left alone for long enough, will eventually break down and emit gases that have a pungent odor.

The Odor of Waste Tires when Thermally Decomposed

When used tires are heated to the point of thermal decomposition, they give out a stench that is frequently offensive. The odor is brought on by the production of volatile organic molecules and methane, both of which are gasses. When exposed to these contaminants in high enough concentrations, both animals and people are at risk of experiencing adverse health effects.

Ways to Control the Odor of Waste Tires

This question does not have a single response that can be considered final. The type of waste tire, the temperature and humidity at which the tires are decomposed, and the presence of other organic material in the soil or atmosphere are some of the elements that can alter the odor of waste tires when they are thermally decomposed. With the help of shredding machine for plastic and rubber waste, this problem is somehow minimize.


The scent of waste tires that have been thermally decomposed can be described as a rather strong and foul-smelling gas that is composed mostly of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. This gas has been described as having an odor similar to that of rotting flesh. With the help of  waste oil and sludge refining and distillation plant, it minimize the odor of waste tires. These gases are commonly produced when used tires are burned in an open-air incinerator. The heat produced by this process causes the tires to break down, which in turn generates the gases.

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