What Is the Psychology Behind The Kama Sutra?

What Is the Psychology Behind The Kama Sutra?
4 min read

The Kama Sutra is an ancient text written by Vatsyayana in India around 2 CAD. It stems from the Vedic tradition from which the Trinity God made his way into Christianity. Before writing and printing, there were stone paintings depicting exotic sexual poses, such as in the Hindu sex temples of Khajuraho. The reason for their appearance is a psychology born of a desire to impregnate the Mother of God.

What is psychology in hindi, many would dismiss it as a fantasy. Facts, however, speak of a time when people became so obsessed with fertilization abilities that they dreamed of great things and modern religions were born out of it. The one secret that all men throughout history have struggled with has been the secret of sex. 


It wasn't just what drove him, but the physical changes in a man's body when passion and lust took over. The penis became the most used symbol in ancient societies, and "standing stones" throughout Europe bear witness to this. Some are positioned so that the sun forms a star above them.


Mountains are considered sacred places

Because here the sun, hiding behind the peak, forms a star. In this image, seven- and five-pointed stars have been drawn, which remain the symbol of the Virgin Mary. 


The aim of the competitions

The psychology of men capable of using their male organs in this way. 'cum' comes from "see-man" and one can only imagine what kind of challenges have been devised to show how much magical liquid can be produced and how often. The winner was the 'hero' or "his circle".In other words, he went through the hoop to "marry"; Marie and henceforth live as his wife. 

Mary was the name of the mother goddess in Babylon, and here, as in other cities, the walls of the chest were uncovered for caresses and foreplay before marriage. Images of  the Kama Sutra and temples in  India, Japan and other countries remind us that this is behind the philosophy of religion. 




My reincarnation shows that  places 

Like heaven and hell don't exist, but they are weapons that force people to accept the beliefs of our ancestors. Psychology is always based on reconciliation with God in heaven and the power of people. It also has the effect of making women moveable and forcing them to hide. In this way, their presence is less harmful to the sun. 

Evidence of the Sun's influence on religion, ancient symbolism and associated names tell the story. In ancient rock art,  as in the Nordic countries, men are depicted with a cross on their bodies floating upwards or as a dragon carrying them away. This symbol is circled to show the two symbols related to the Crucifixion. Those who should have left this path were dragged over their heads with them. 


These are the words 'sa not for the "Solar Cross" and became "holy". 'San' means sun, saint and son in many languages ​​as a trace of his origin. Sanskrit, the original Hindi language, comes from "san-script"; or 'written with the sun' and its earliest form is with signs marked by the sun. They are created as shadows, stars, etc. 


Those who died on the crosses also made signs and sounds 

Which found their way into language through the interpretation of the high priest or Sharman. It was believed to be closely related to the sun and thus able to carry their messages. This is one of the reasons why the "holy men" in India are mostly found on the peaks where they are in close connection with the star. Her task is to psychologically impose the will of the Blessed Mother on those who seek help or knowledge. In return, they are cared for by the community, which provides them with food and other necessities of life.

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