What Makes Travesty Of Justice Such A Compelling Read?

What Makes Travesty Of Justice Such A Compelling Read?
4 min read

Romance is a trope to which most writers struggle to add their uniqueness. It faces a fair share of dismissal from its audience for its cliché plots and fairy tale romances, setting a delusion and no inspiring example. The present generation wants to learn the realistic version of these stories.

When an ordinary person falls in love, and everything seems to be against them, what hurdles do they face? Heather Butler answers all in her captivating new interracial romance, "Travesty of Justice." This love story unfolds between Nicole, a white woman, and Samuel, a black man, who coincidentally met in 1999. Was there a happily ever after to their story? Find out in this compelling narrative.

Dancing With Love

Set in 1999, the story is enriched with a significant amount of dancing, adding to the allure of Nicole and Samuel's love story. Their first meet-cute occurred during a dance that remains etched in their hearts throughout the novel. Amidst dim lights and a soft glow, with beaming smiles and shared laughter, every dance moment in the book demonstrates Heather Butler's skillful storytelling. Nicole and Samuel's every dance move will capture your attention, just as it became the focal point for onlookers in the book.

As their bodies swayed with the symphony in perfect harmony, it was attributed to their unwavering trust in each other. As you read through the description of their dances, you'll realize that when they dance, everything else melts into the background; only they are in the moment.

Love At First Sight

These days, you might roll your eyes at this happening in real life, but back in 1999, it was a common thing. Inspired by a true story, Samuel was immediately attracted to Nicole when he laid his eyes on her. The same goes for Nicole. After a courtship period, they were finally together, happy and thriving, until their fates were swept up in the battle to obtain social justice.

Nicole and Samuel's love at first sight became a way of developing an emotional bond between them. They could rely on and protect each other when the situation demands it. Although this trope is a small part of their iconic love story, it still plays a significant role in building the story.

The Racial Discrimination

Another important reason to read this book is the author's authentic depiction of racial discrimination in our society and how the century-old stereotype affects Samuel's life and relationships as a resilient and dedicated black doctor. Heather takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster as Samuel tries to break away from the barriers of discrimination and fearlessly fights for his rights against the higher authorities. But after facing continuous setbacks, he and Nicole turn to the government for help, but little do they know that a dangerous conspiracy brewing in secret can destroy their lives.

A Secret

As Nicole and Samuel struggle to fight the uncertainties in life, their hearts get more deeply involved with each other. As their relationship progresses, Samuel's internal storm becomes more muscular; as he is hiding a secret, the weight of the truth is getting heavier daily, and he is afraid that it cannot remain concealed from Nicole anymore. This hidden element adds intrigue to the story and keeps the readers engaged through and through.

Considering the dancing, romance, injustice, and secrets embedded in the story, "Travesty of Justice" is a refreshing addition to the long list of contemporary romances. Inspired by social events, it solidifies the belief that love goes beyond skin, caste, and race barriers.

Join Samuel and Nicole as they defy all the odds and witness love triumph over all forms of racial discrimination in Heather Butler's captivating new novel, "The Travesty of Justice," now live on Amazon.

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John mickel 2
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