What Type of Food Can Prevent Plaque Formation on Teeth?

What Type of Food Can Prevent Plaque Formation on Teeth?
7 min read
20 November 2022

Despite our best efforts, plaque and tartar still build up on our teeth. This is extremely common and a consequence of not brushing or flossing regularly

Plaque and tartar are deposits of bacteria that can cause serious dental problems if not taken care of. There is no way to completely prevent the formation of plaque, tartar, and stains on your teeth. However, there are some foods that can help reduce their appearance.

Avoiding sugary foods can also decrease the risk of developing caries and periodontal disease. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables with vitamins C and A. This way, you will also reduce the risk of developing cavities. 

The following are some foods that have been proven to prevent plaque formation on teeth. Here’s what you need to know:

What is Dental Plaque?

Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on the inner and outer surfaces of your teeth. It protects your teeth from bacteria and food particles, but it can also cause irritation in your mouth. 

Plaque typically consists of bacteria that feed on sugar. However, it can also result from poor oral hygiene and certain medications (such as antibiotics).

Plaque builds up around your teeth over time and can get worse if you don’t take care of your oral health. Dental calculus is made up of dead cells that have been worn down by brushing or eating sugar.

How Does Plaque Form on Teeth?

Even though it is not harmful, it can lead to many problems like cavities, bad breath, teeth sensitivity and gum disease. 

Plaque forms when bacteria in your mouth mix with food particles and turn into a sticky substance. It is sticky in nature, so it gets easily attached to your teeth and gums. 

It can be prevented by removing it from your teeth regularly and maintaining proper oral hygiene. 

Plaque prevention can also be made easy with special dental products designed for just that. SelenBio Dental products include teeth and gums shields that ensure plaque does not form on teeth.

There are two types of plaque, soft and hard. Soft plaque is what we usually refer to as plaque. It is a sticky, yellowish or grayish film that forms on the teeth. It is mostly easily removed with a toothbrush. 

Hard plaque, on the other hand, is calcified plaque. It is made up of minerals and salts and can be removed only by a dental professional.

Important Healthy Habits For Your Oral Hygiene

  • Brushing & Flossing - Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day is an essential part of anyone’s dental health routine. Brushing helps remove plaque from your teeth and gums, and flossing helps remove plaque from in between your teeth. 

What Type of Food Can Prevent Plaque Formation on Teeth?

Image source: Pexels.com

  • Using Mouthwash - Mouthwash not only freshens breath but also kills the bacteria causing plaque and bad breath. 
  • Using a Tongue Scraper - This can reduce bad breath and the risk of cavities. A tongue scraper removes excess bacteria and dead cells from your tongue, and thus helps in preventing plaque.

Foods that Discourage Plaque Build-Up

  1. Whole Grains

Whole grains are a rich source of fiber. A study shows that people who consume high amounts of fibers from whole grains have a lesser amount of plaque formation in their teeth. So, if you want to prevent plaque formation and promote oral hygiene, include whole grains in your daily diet. 

Some of the whole grains you can include in your diet are oats, barley, brown rice, and quinoa. You can add them to your breakfast in the form of porridge or have them as a salad in the evening.

  1. Fruits and Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are essential for our health. They are also known to reduce the risk of plaque formation. 

Some of the fruits and vegetables that can help prevent plaque formation are apples, strawberries, carrots, etc. 

You can eat them either raw or can be part of your daily diet by making salads or smoothies. You can also add them to your daily diet in the form of juices.

What Type of Food Can Prevent Plaque Formation on Teeth?Image source: Pexels.com

  1. Dairy Products

Dairy products like yogurt, ghee, cheese, etc. are also known to prevent plaque formation. A study shows that people who consume calcium-rich dairy products have less amount of plaque in their teeth. 

So, if you want to prevent plaque formation, consume calcium-rich dairy products. You can add them in your daily diet in the form of curd, lassi, paneer, butter, cheese toast, etc. You can also take a daily calcium supplement to prevent plaque formation.

What Type of Food Can Prevent Plaque Formation on Teeth?Image source: Pexels.com

  1. Dark Chocolate

Chocolates are known for their antioxidant properties. They are also known to prevent plaque formation due to their antioxidant properties. 

Another known fact is that dark chocolates have more antioxidants than milk chocolates. So, if you want to prevent plaque formation and promote oral hygiene, include dark chocolates in your daily diet. 

You can add them to your daily diet in the form of chocolates or can make a chocolates shake by adding them to milk or almond milk. You can also take a daily chocolate supplement to prevent plaque formation.

  1. Sugar-Free Gum

Gum with low sugar content is known to prevent plaque formation. It is also known to promote oral hygiene as it helps remove plaque from teeth and gums. 

Include low-sugar gum in your daily diet if you want to prevent plaque formation and promote oral hygiene. You can chew mint or flavorless gum daily after every meal to get rid of them in the form of. 

  1. Baking Soda

It is a common kitchen ingredient that is also known to prevent plaque formation. Baking soda is a cheap and effective home remedy to prevent plaque formation

To prevent plaque formation, add some baking soda to water and brush your teeth with it or you can also make a mouthwash using baking soda. 


There are several ways in which food can help remove plaque from your teeth and prevent the formation of plaque on them. Certain types of food have anti-plaque properties and can thus reduce the chances of developing plaque on teeth and gingivitis. 

You can practice some of these tips to prevent plaque formation and promote oral hygiene naturally. Take care of your oral hygiene and stay healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Many Times Should You Brush Your Teeth Daily?

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day - once in the morning and once at night. Brush for two minutes each time, using circular, back-and-forth, and up-and-down motions. Also, make sure to floss at least once a day to remove any food or plaque that may be stuck between your teeth.

  • Do Proteins Cause Plaque in Teeth?

No, proteins do not cause plaque in teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth. These bacteria feed on sugars and produce acids that can damage teeth.

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Daniel Martin 52
Dan shares his newfound knowledge with other smartphone enthusiasts, Dan also enjoys photography and cooking.
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