When should your child have their first eye exam?

When should your child have their first eye exam?
4 min read
14 December 2022

You want to give your little ones a good start in every way – including their eye health. But when is the right time to start your child's vision test? After all, babies and toddlers can't read an eye chart. It's best to start early.

It is important not to delay eye exams in young infants and children, as some early eye problems can affect vision for life. Finding the problem early can prevent a small problem from becoming something serious (and harder to treat).

Pediatric ophthalmologist Elias Traboulsi, MD, MEd, emphasizes that an eye exam isn't just a way to find out if your child needs glasses. Just like regular check-ups with a pediatrician, eye check-ups are about preventive care.

If you are finding the perfect place for your kids' eye exam Milton Lenzique Optical can be a perfect place for you.

When do children need an eye exam?

Dr. Traboulsi recommends a comprehensive eye examination by an eye specialist, preferably before 1 year of age, which should be repeated before kindergarten in children without obvious eye problems. Pediatricians perform limited eye examinations right after birth and in the first years of life. These can detect various abnormalities in the light reflex from the pupil and in the external aspects of the eye and ocular alignment.

These tests become more important in children who:

  • Having a sibling or parent with a major eye problem, such as crossed or turned eyes (strabismus) or lazy eye (amblyopia).
  • Have an eye problem diagnosed by your pediatrician.
  • The parents suspect an eye problem.

"Even if there are no obvious symptoms, your child may still have a vision problem," she says.

After proper eye tests, one also needs proper Milton optometry glasses to save for eye problems, which will be suggested by the eye specialist.

Early exams can avert serious problems

Undiagnosed conditions or abnormalities can lead to vision loss. However, it is possible to reverse some problems if they are caught early, says Dr. Trabouls.

A classic example is the lazy eye. Children with this condition have one eye weaker than the other.

Lazy eye, one of the most common vision problems in children, usually responds well to treatment. This may include an eye patch, eye drops or glasses.

Another example is crossed eyes, which involve one or both eyes turned in or out. This may require special glasses or an eye patch.

So how do you know there is a problem or that your child needs to see a doctor?

Here are four key tips to help ensure your child gets the best vision care from the start.

  1. Don't wait until school

Most children have their eyesight tested before starting primary school. Dr. But Traboulsi says it's ideal to have your child's vision tested before they start kindergarten or preschool.

  1. Consider your family history

"While it's ideal for all children to have their eyes tested, it's even more important if the child's siblings or siblings have vision problems," says Dr. Trabouls.

As with many medical conditions, your child is more likely to have vision problems if it runs in your family. So it's best to start watching it early.

  1. See an eye specialist

As you know, your pediatrician has specialized training in treating children. For the same reason, a pediatric ophthalmologist specializes in the detection and treatment of children's eye problems.

With kid-friendly tools and testing, it can identify problems — even if your child hasn't learned to speak or knows the alphabet yet.

  1. Go with your gut

Dr. Traboulsi says it's very important for parents to trust their instincts. After all, you know your child best.

In fact, parents are often the first to notice signs of trouble. "If a mom says there's something wrong with her baby's eyes or vision and I don't find anything at the initial exam, I always go back and try again," she says.

However, if you are still concerned, continue working to determine the problem. Discuss the symptoms you're seeing with your child's doctor, or get a second opinion if necessary, advises Dr. Trabouls.

Following these tips will help protect your child's vision and promote a healthy vision for life.

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