Which is Best for Next Mobile App Development Project?

Which is Best for Next Mobile App Development Project?
8 min read

React Native and Angular are the most popular frameworks to build robust mobile apps. But we often get confused about which framework is best for our mobile app development project. 

Don’t worry, we are here to help you understand what React Native and Angular are.  

Because selecting the appropriate framework for your project is important. Choosing an inappropriate framework has a negative impact on a project's resilience and its ability to meet deadlines. 

Let’s Get into Details:  

What is React Native?  

React Native is a well-liked JavaScript-based mobile app framework that enables you to create natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android. Using the same codebase, the framework enables you to develop an application for a variety of platforms. 

In 2015, Facebook originally made React Native available as an open-source project. In a short period, this framework became one of the top solutions for Mobile App Development. Some of the most popular mobile applications, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, are powered by React Native development. 

React Native's widespread popularity can be attributed to a number of factors. 

The first benefit of using React Native is that businesses only need to write one line of code to power both their iOS and Android apps. This helps in saving time and resource-saving.  

Second, when the mobile framework was introduced, React Native was based on React, a JavaScript library that had already achieved enormous popularity.  

Thirdly, the framework allowed frontend developers to build sophisticated, production-ready apps for mobile platforms instead of being limited to working with web-based technologies. 

React Native was created in response to a significant technological error, which is an interesting characteristic of many great inventions.

Features of React Native 

  • Write code once and use it anywhere
  • Hot reloading
  • UI Focused
  • Support for 3rd party libraries
  • NPM for installation
  • Live reload
  • Reusable components 

Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development? 

React Native, a highly popular framework for mobile app development, is an excellent choice in the following scenarios: 

  1. Cross-platform development: If you need to target multiple platforms like iOS and Android, React Native allows you to write code once and deploy it on both platforms, saving development time and effort.
  2. Code reuse: React Native enables code reuse between web and mobile platforms. If you already have a React web application, you can leverage your existing components and business logic when building a mobile app with React Native.
  3. Rapid development: React Native offers a rich set of pre-built UI components and a large community ecosystem, which can accelerate development speed. This is particularly advantageous for projects with tight deadlines.
  4. Cost-effective development: Since React Native allows you to develop for multiple platforms with a single codebase, it can help reduce development costs compared to building separate native apps for each platform.
  5. Iterative development and testing: React Native's "hot reload" feature allows developers to instantly see changes in the app during the development process. This facilitates faster iterations and easier testing, enhancing productivity. 

Famous Companies Using React Native 

Several famous companies have utilized React Native in their mobile app development. Here are some examples: 

  • Facebook: React Native was developed by Facebook, and the company has been a prominent user of the framework. Many features in the Facebook app are built with React Native. 
  • Instagram: Owned by Facebook, Instagram employs React Native for certain parts of its app, such as the Explore tab. 
  • Airbnb: The popular accommodation marketplace, Airbnb, adopted React Native to build its mobile app, allowing them to maintain a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. 
  • Tesla: Tesla, the electric vehicle manufacturer, has incorporated React Native into its mobile app for controlling and monitoring its vehicles. 
  • Bloomberg: Bloomberg, a leading financial information and media company, has leveraged React Native to develop parts of its mobile app, providing real-time financial news and data. 

What is Angular? 

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that I do not mean AngularJS when I refer to Angular. Currently, Angular is an umbrella for all the versions of Angular released after AngularJS.  

The open-source framework Angular 2 is typically used to build web applications, hybrid applications, and single-page applications. Angular is developed and maintained by Google.  

Every developer needs Angular as a complete toolkit to create complicated projects. This is most likely the reason why famous businesses like BMW, Xbox, Forbes, and many more have selected Angular for their front-end development. 

On June 2, 2022, Angular 14—the most recent version—was made public. Typed forms, freestanding components, and new primitives in the Angular CDK are all included in this expanded version of Angular. In addition, this version comes standard with the Ivy-based IDE language service. 

In addition, this version includes a few updates, including a move away from i18, Nullish Coalescing, style adjustments, etc. Additionally, Angular 14 contains a ton of recent bug fixes for the router, compiler, language service, core, etc. 

Features of Angular 

  • MVC architecture 
  • Efficient two-way data binding 
  • Less code framework
  • Angular command line interface
  • CDK and Angular material
  • Virtual scrolling 
  • Dependency injection 

Why Choose Angular for Mobile App Development?  

Angular is also a popular framework for building web applications. Here are some situations where using Angular for mobile app development might be suitable: 

  1. Cross-platform development: If you want to build a mobile app that runs on both iOS and Android platforms, using Angular with Ionic or NativeScript allows you to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms.
  2. Web development expertise: If you or your team already have experience with Angular for web development, leveraging the same framework for mobile app development can be beneficial in terms of code reusability and familiarity.
  3. Rich and interactive UI: Angular provides a robust set of tools and libraries for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. If your mobile app requires complex UI components or real-time updates, Angular's capabilities can be advantageous.
  4. Scalability and maintainability: Angular follows a modular architecture and promotes best practices like dependency injection, component-based development, and code reusability. These features make it easier to scale and maintain your mobile app as it grows over time.
  5. Access to a vast ecosystem: Angular has a large and active community, which means you can benefit from a wide range of libraries, plugins, and resources available for mobile app development. This can help you speed up development and find solutions to common challenges. 

Famous Companies Using Angular 

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. Several famous companies have employed Angular in their web development projects. Here are some examples: 

  • Google: Google, the company that developed Angular, has implemented the framework in various projects and products, including Google Cloud Console, Google Ads, and Google Fiber. 
  • Microsoft: Microsoft has utilized Angular in several of its web applications, such as Office 365, Xbox, and Skype for the Web.
  • Adobe: Adobe, known for its creative software, has incorporated Angular in applications like Adobe Analytics and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Forbes: Forbes, a renowned media company, has adopted Angular for their web platform, delivering news and business-related content.
  • Deutsche Bank: Deutsche Bank, a global banking and financial services company, has leveraged Angular in their web-based banking platforms, providing services to their customers. 


React Native and Angular offer distinct approaches to web app development, catering to startups, SMBs and SMEs. Both technologies are widely used and flexible, without one being inherently superior or more popular than the other.  

Ultimately, the choice between them depends on your specific application goals and system constraints. Developers can transition from Angular to React, or vice versa, depending on their needs. The above brief overview in this article of React and Angular must have helped you determine whether you need to hire React developers or Angular developers based on your project objectives. 


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Scarlett Watson 1.5K
I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing tren...

I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Health, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends. 

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