Which Type Of Salts Are Good For Your Health?

Which Type Of Salts Are Good For Your Health?

Salt has played a critical role in ancestral food preparation for thousands of years. Yet, in the last few decades, salt has been made into somewhat of a villain as it’s been associated with hypertension and heart disease. The notion that a low-salt diet is better for us began about 200 years ago and was founded on flawed science. Doctors knew then that our bodies relied on salt to maintain blood pressure balance. They believed that too much salt contributed to high blood pressure and heart disease. However, research is finding that this fundamental theory isn’t as clear-cut as we once thought. A meta-analysis of over 6,250 patients found there was no actual link between salt intake, high blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Like many of our dietary recommendations, our beliefs surrounding salt need to be re-examined. Let’s see why organic salts are important for our health.

Symptoms of Salt Deficiency and Salt Restriction:

Salt deficiency is more than just a sprinkle away. Here are signs that your body might be missing out on this essential mineral:

  • Reduced Hydration, Especially in Athletes
  • Muscle cramps
  • Higher risk of heart attack
  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Cognitive decline in the elderly
  • Irritability

What Type Of Salt Is Healthiest?

It’s important to differentiate between natural salt and table salt. Table salt is mostly sodium chloride and heavily processed. Natural salts come in their complete, whole form. Examples of natural salts are sea salt and pink Himalayan rock salt. Always choose a natural salt, and try to avoid the processed table salt variety. 

What Is The Best Kind Of Salt?

  • Regular Natural Sea Salts contain a small amount of natural iodine, although not nearly as much as iodized table salt. It is typically much less refined than table salt and comes in both fine and coarse varieties. Sea salts contain many more beneficial minerals and taste better for most people.
  • Pink Himalayan Rock Salt is rich in minerals, containing all 84 essential trace elements required by your body. Pink salt can assist in many bodily functions, such as reducing muscle cramps, promoting blood sugar health and promoting healthy pH in your cells. you can check out AsmitA Organic Farms. Like all of their products, this salt is also sourced ethically and free from any chemicals or preservatives.
  • Celtic Sea Salt is unrefined, unprocessed and sourced from clean coastal waters. Containing unprocessed and naturally forming minerals, this grey Sea Salt is harvested by traditional Celtic methods.

What Makes A Good Quality Salt?

A quality salt should retain all its additional elements. Himalayan salt and Celtic Sea Salt are prime examples, offering health benefits beyond what table salt provides. Celtic Sea Salt, with its higher mineral content and trace amounts of iodine, stands out as a good quality choice.

Cooking With Salt – Does It Matter?

Yes, it does. While most salts taste similar, the presence of trace minerals can make a difference. If your salt tastes off, consider changing brands to ensure you're getting the pure and unadulterated salty goodness.

Salt is not just salt – the type matters. Ditch the processed table salt for the likes of Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Rock Salt, and you'll not only savour the flavours but also reap the health benefits of Himalayan pink rock salt. It's time to let go of outdated beliefs and embrace the right kind of salt for a healthier culinary journey. So, the next time you reach for the salt shaker, make it count – your taste buds and your health will thank you!

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