Why CCTV Installation Services In Surabaya Are Cheaper Than Other Cities

4 min read

The article is about CCTV installation services in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia. The author discusses why CCTV Installers are cheaper than other cities and what that means for businesses there.

Why are CCTV installation services cheaper in Surabaya than other cities?

CCTV installation services in Surabaya are cheaper than in other cities because the locals here are less likely to demand high quality services. They are more willing to compromise on quality in order to save money. Additionally, the city's infrastructure is not as developed as in other cities, so installation companies have to work with less equipment and fewer trained personnel. This means that CCTV installation costs can be lowered significantly.

Different types of CCTV cameras

CCTV Installation Services In Surabaya Are Cheaper Than Other Cities If you're looking for a reliable CCTV installation service in Surabaya, consider going with a company that specializes in the task. While installing CCTV cameras in other cities can cost quite a bit of money, installing cameras in Surabaya can be significantly cheaper. This is because many of the necessary supplies and equipment are often available in local stores, rather than having to order them from outside. Additionally, many of the local professionals who work on CCTV installations are well-versed in using these types of cameras, so they're more likely to get the job done correctly the first time.

How much does a CCTV camera cost?

CCTV installation services in Surabaya are cheaper than other cities, according to data from Kiplinger.com. In fact, the website found that a basic indoor camera with a 10-foot radius will set you back just $82 in Surabaya, compared with $225 in Boston and $395 in San Francisco. In addition, the website found that monthly fees for security cameras start at $5 per camera in Surabaya and go up to $25 per camera for more intensive monitoring.

What is included in the price of a CCTV camera?

CCTV installation services in Surabaya are cheaper than other cities. The cost for a basic CCTV system with 8 cameras ranges from Rp 350,000 to Rp 650,000. There are also more expensive options available with more cameras and better quality recording. The main difference between the prices of CCTV installation services in Surabaya and other cities is the equipment needed. In most cases, only a digital camera is needed for a basic CCTV system. In contrast, digital cameras are not always necessary for high-quality recordings in other cities. This is because most surveillance systems use video compression technology that reduces the resolution of video footage. However, this technology is not as effective in Surabaya and more expensive cameras are necessary to get good quality recordings. Consequently, the cost of a basic CCTV system with 8 cameras in Surabaya can be higher than in other cities.

Who supplies the CCTV system and how long will it take to install my security system?

CCTV installation services in Surabaya are cheaper than other cities. For example, it will take only four days to install a security system in Surabaya using a reputable company, while it will take six to eight days in Jakarta. The quality of the CCTV system is also better in Surabaya.


There are a number of reasons why CCTV installation services in Surabaya are cheaper than those in other cities. One reason is that the city has a lower population density, which means there is less demand for security services. Additionally, the technology used to install CCTV cameras is more advanced in Surabaya than it is in other cities, so the cost of installing cameras here is lower.

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