Why Choose Delhi for Breast Reduction Surgery? (The Aesculpir (Centre for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery)

Why Choose Delhi for Breast Reduction Surgery? (The Aesculpir (Centre for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery)

The Aesculpir (Centre for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

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Cosmetic surgery at The Aesculpir does not follow the "Jack of all crafts" paradigm. Our doctors are renowned authorities in their fields and are experts in several procedures. Examples include liposuction, tummy tucks, Chemoexfoliation, breast lifts, hair transplants, microdermabrasion rhinoplasty, and laser skin treatments. 

Breast reduction surgery in Delhi has gained popularity as a safe and effective solution for women seeking relief from the physical and emotional discomfort caused by overly large breasts. This surgical procedure, also known as reduction mammoplasty, involves removing excess breast tissue and reshaping the breasts to achieve a more proportionate size and shape. With advancements in medical technology and highly skilled surgeons in Delhi, breast reduction surgery has become a sought-after procedure for women looking to enhance their quality of life.

Why Choose Delhi for Breast Reduction Surgery?

Delhi, the capital city of India, is renowned for its world-class healthcare facilities and experienced plastic surgeons. Patients from across the globe travel to Delhi to undergo breast reduction surgery due to the following reasons:

  1. Expert Surgeons: Delhi boasts a pool of highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons who specialize in breast reduction procedures. These surgeons have a deep understanding of the anatomical complexities involved and can deliver exceptional results.
  2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: The hospitals and clinics in Delhi are equipped with cutting-edge technology and adhere to strict international standards. This ensures that patients receive top-notch medical care throughout their breast reduction surgery journey.
  3. Affordability: Compared to many other countries, breast reduction surgery in Delhi is more cost-effective. The affordable prices, without compromising on quality, make it an attractive option for patients seeking excellent healthcare at a reasonable price.
  4. Medical Tourism Hub: Delhi has emerged as a prominent medical tourism destination, attracting patients from around the world. The availability of comprehensive healthcare services, coupled with the city's rich cultural heritage, makes it an ideal choice for international patients.

The Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure

Breast reduction surgery involves several key steps to achieve the desired results. The process typically includes:

  1. Initial Consultation: During the initial consultation, the surgeon evaluates the patient's overall health, discusses their expectations, and determines their suitability for the procedure. This is an opportunity for the patient to ask questions and address any concerns they may have.
  2. Anesthesia: Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  3. Incision Placement: The surgeon carefully selects the most appropriate incision pattern based on the patient's breast size and shape. Common incision patterns include anchor-shaped, lollipop, or keyhole incisions.
  4. Tissue Removal and Reshaping: Excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to reduce the size of the breasts. The remaining breast tissue is then reshaped to achieve a natural and symmetrical appearance.
  5. Nipple Repositioning: In most cases, the position of the nipple and areola is adjusted to align with the new breast shape. This ensures a harmonious result.
  6. Closing Incisions: Once the necessary modifications are complete, the incisions are meticulously closed using sutures. The surgeon takes great care to minimize scarring and ensure optimal healing.
  7. Recovery and Follow-up: After the surgery, patients are closely monitored in a recovery area before being discharged. The surgeon provides detailed post-operative instructions and schedules follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.  


    Breast reduction surgery in Delhi offers a life-changing solution for women struggling with the physical and emotional burden of overly large breasts. With highly skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable prices, Delhi has become a sought-after destination for this transformative procedure. By opting for breast reduction surgery, women can achieve a more proportionate and balanced figure, alleviate physical discomfort, and regain their self-confidence.

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