Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging?

Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging?
8 min read
03 August 2023

Toilet discomfort is guaranteed if your waterlogged hardware clogs up while you sit on a cold toilet seat. So what can you do when this happens? It's a good idea to check out these five common reasons why your toilet keeps clogging and take action accordingly.

It Could Be a Nasty Toilet.

It could be a lousy toilet if you're having trouble with your bathroom. Toilets can be made of different materials, each with pros and cons.

Plastic toilets are the most affordable, but they may not last as long as other materials. The lack of a smooth surface inside the bowl causes quicker clogging compared to ceramic, porcelain, or brass bowls. This causes something called "dirt caking," which makes it harder for water to flow through into the bowl itself.

Ceramic toilets are durable and easy to clean because they have no rough edges on their inside surfaces. However, these types of toilets cost more than other types. Since ceramic toilets are not very common compared to plastic or porcelain ones in homes today. So if you want something that lasts longer than three years, go with ceramic instead!

Roots Could Be Blocking the Plumbing.

If you have a tree in your yard, roots can grow into the sewer line. This can cause clogs and backups of sewage. If your toilet is clogged because of tree roots, it's best to do several things:

  • Overgrown roots can cause blockages in plumbing, leading to slow draining and backups. Roots seek out sources of water and nutrients and can infiltrate and damage pipes over time. Regular maintenance and inspections of a plumber 
  • can help identify and prevent root blockages in plumbing systems.
  • Use a root-killer product that helps prevent future problems with drainage from pipes and drains around your house/building, like those used for washing machines and dishwashers. These products contain chemicals that help kill off any new growth over time but might not be needed every year depending on whether or not there were any issues with previous seasons' change.

Something’s Clogging Your Pipes.

If your toilet is constantly clogged, it's important to check the pipes quickly. It would be best if you looking for hair, dental floss, and paper towels in your lines. These items can trap water and cause blockages that will cost you money to fix.

Keeping feminine hygiene products out of the toilet bowl and disposing of them in a trash can prevent clogging. An old shoebox can also be used to store these products and prevent blockages in the plumbing. Doing so can prevent plumbing blockages and sewage backups and saves you time, money, and stress.

Water May Be Entering the Wrong Place in the Toilet Bowl.

Water can enter the toilet bowl at any point during your flush. If you're having trouble with clogging, check the water level in your tank and make sure it's not low. You may have a leaky flapper or something similar that needs fixing.

The best way to prevent clogging is by keeping your water pressure high. A water pressure that is enough that small particles don't build up along its edges. If you live in an area where there is no large water nearby (like lakes or rivers), then consider installing a system that keeps these elements out of your home's plumbing system altogether. This will prevent any sediment from entering into drains as well as prevent corrosion from occurring within pipes themselves!

You’re Flushing Too Much.

The most common reason for clogs in toilets is the amount of water you're flushing. If your bathroom isn't used regularly and has been sitting unused for a long time, it will begin to collect sediment from urine and other sources that can cause blockages. To reduce the chance of this happening:

  • To clear any clogs that may have accumulated over time, you can use a plunger or auger. These tools are also effective for clearing sinks.
  • Try using less water than usual when filling the tank (this will help prevent calcium buildup).

Flushable Wipes (Or Flushable Diapers) Aren’t Flushable.

Flushable wipes are not the same as toilet paper. They're made of different materials, making them harder to break down and flush. Wipes do not break down quickly enough to be washed as toilet paper does, so they can clog your pipes and cause problems with your septic system.

If you use flushable wipes, throw them in the trash instead of flushing them down the toilet!

You Have a Leaky Flapper.

Your toilet's flapper is the rubber disk that sits at the bottom of your tank and connects to the flush valve. The flapper seals itself against water, so if it's leaking or damaged, you may find that your toilet won't always fill up with water.

To access the toilet tank, remove protective caps, and unscrew each side panel with the help of access panels. Then pull it away from its resting place so no more screws are holding it. Once done, replace these protective covers over their old counterparts with new ones purchased online or at local hardware stores.

It’s Time to Change Out That Wax Ring.

A wax ring is a cylindrical metal ring that holds the seal between your toilet and tank. It keeps water from seeping through, which helps prevent clogs. If you have a porcelain or plastic bowl, it should be replaced every two years. If you have an old-style metal toilet with no lid, replace it every five years.

Over time, a wax ring can become brittle, complicating its ability to keep water out of the toilet. When flushing, this could cause trouble, making it necessary to replace the wax ring to avoid further problems. Luckily there are easy ways to fix this problem, try using a hair dryer on low heat for ten minutes straight. Ensuring that any buildup inside is sufficiently warmed up will facilitate the easy removal of existing debris from inside walls by hand. It is important to also remember to clean all surfaces thoroughly.

Keep Your Toilet Safe and Clean

It's essential to keep your toilet clean, but it' can be frustrating when the clog is in a place where you can't get at it. Here are some tips for keeping your toilet safe and clean:

  • Don't flush anything that doesn't dissolve, like paper towels or coffee grounds.
  • Don't flush used wipes (even if they're unscented!). These items contain bacteria that could affect other parts of your plumbing system. If you need to use them again, throw them away!
  • Also, avoid flushing feminine products such as tampons or pads. Flushing them away into sewer systems can be risky for humans. These materials could spread diseases among nearby residents if left in pipes. So please do not do this at home!

If your toilet is clogged up, it could be a nasty toilet. If the problem persists despite trying to fix it yourself, you should call a plumber and get help from someone who knows what they are doing.


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Clint Hero 2
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