Why Scraping Through APIs Is a Better Alternative to Manual Scraping

Why Scraping Through APIs Is a Better Alternative to Manual Scraping
7 min read
05 December 2022

In today’s world, data is essential for businesses to grow. They rely on information to acquire more clients and optimize their products and services. 

For this reason, many companies use web scraping as a popular business development tactic. This involves two main approaches, including manual scraping and scraping with APIs. 

Although manual scraping faces fewer challenges and limitations, web scraping APIs are becoming more popular. Wonder why?

That’s because they offer more benefits. Let’s discover why web scraping with APIs is on the rise leaving behind traditional methods.

Reasons Why You Should Use APIs for Web Scraping

APIs can help you achieve your data collection goals in many ways. Here are some of the reasons why you should use them.

  • Easy Integration

One of the most attractive features of web scraping is easy integration into developer applications. To integrate an API into your system, all you need is a set of relevant credentials and a decent understanding of API documentation. 

  • Customization

Once an API is completely integrated into your system, you can focus on the elements you want to enhance. Here’s when you can benefit from the various customization features. 

APIs can offer API calls, geotargeting, custom scrapers, dedicated accounts, etc., to personalize your web scraping process. This way, you can boost your productivity and achieve your goals.

However, there are some constraints with geolocation when it comes to customizations. This is because each website can easily restrict its content to specific countries that they want to. To work around such issues, using proxies will do.

  • Built-in Scraping Solutions

A major benefit offered by web scraping APIs is their built-in solutions. You can use APIs to overcome challenges like residential proxies and data center proxies, Javascript rendering, custom headers, IP rotations, and CAPTCHA bypass. 

Websites have a mechanism to detect unusual activities like web scrapping, and they take immediate measures. They can easily detect your IP address and block access to prevent issues.

However, you can change your IP address every time you get access to the site, hiding your IP address and location with the use of a cheap residential proxy. Residential proxy offers access from different geolocations so that you can always access the desired information at any time. 

  • Time Efficiency

APIs are faster and more effective as they collect more data from proxies in less time. This feature is extremely beneficial for businesses since the more data you have, the better decisions you can make. 

APIs can allow users to scrape data as fast as they can. They can use the complex features of an API to collect data within a few minutes without much effort. 

Another thing to note is that they are easy to set up as you do not need to worry about the download, construction, and installs. Instead, you must focus only on configuration integration to begin your web scraping journey. 

  • Cost-Effective 

Outsourcing your web scraping project can be costly for you. Instead, choosing and Web scraping API is more advantageous. Although APIs aren’t cheap, they offer great value for money and can provide developers with more benefits. Additionally, your price can vary depending on the number of API calls you make each month and the bandwidth you need. 

Benefits of API Web Scraping for Business Projects

If you need to obtain data for multiple business aspects in different formats, web scraping can be quite useful. For instance, you can use the tool to achieve a specific goal with your data and information. 

Not only that, data in abundance can help you make more precise and informed decisions. Here are a few ways a web scraping API can benefit your business. 

Competitor Monitoring

Starting a business in a profitable market can be simple. However, you should always look out for fierce competition within the industry to avoid challenges. Competition constantly intensifies and leaves no space for new companies to succeed. To achieve your goals, you need to observe and analyze your competitors. Here’s when web scraping API comes into use. 

The tool can help you in the following manners:

  • Scrape Product Information: API helps businesses develop marketing strategies and discover new insights for a budget. 
  • Scrape Social Media Ads and Channels: APIs can help you discover new potentials customers and target audiences
  • Scrape News and Blog Posts: With APIs, you can predict your competitor’s strategic moves and stay competitive. 

Lead Generation

APIs can offer you a huge competitive advantage by allowing you access to a new client base for the business. That’s because discovering new clients can take a lot of time if you follow the traditional method of copying and pasting every piece of information.  

With API web scraping, your company can identify new connections and websites, submit requests according to requirements and download all needed data into one file. 

Since contact lists are a precious asset, you should ensure to filter and use them properly to generate the best leads. Here are some ways to use a web scraping API for lead generation:

  • Scrape your target audiences
  • Scrape relevant sites in your niche 

Product Optimization

Web scraping APIs are essential for product optimization. That’s because they can help access proxies to gain valuable customer reviews. 

Product or service reviews can significantly influence your customer’s purchase decision. Thus, they can shape how your customer views your business. If you focus on reviews, you can readily optimize your products.

For instance, when you launch a new service or product into the market, you can use web scraping API to collect feedback from consumers. Then, cross-examine the reviews and evaluate your customer’s needs. Once done, you can alter your services as needed to meet the demands of your customers. 

Additional Benefits of Using APIs

APIs, compared to manual scraping, have many other benefits. For instance, APIs are faster and more effective. Here are some other general benefits of using an API:

Automatic Process

You can use APIs to streamline workflow. APIs enable machines to control and handle work. This way, your business processes will require less human input. Additionally, your workflow can become more efficient and faster. 

Usage and Application

APIs allow better resource and information distribution as they control various app components. 


APIs can create an abstraction layer to deliver resources and information to new users. Additionally, the layer can be modified to develop unique user interfaces. 


With APIs, you can automatically release content and make it accessible across all platforms. It helps to easily share and display content. 

Final Thoughts

Web scraping APIs are better compared to manual scraping due to their effectiveness, efficiency, and speed. 

These factors are essential for successful data collection. The information you collect can be useful for a number of business processes, including product optimization and lead generation. 

If you’re set to boost your business growth, you should switch to web scraping with APIs and avoid relying on conventional data collection methods.

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Ahegao Hoodie 3.2K
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