How to Use Wilcom Thread Color Chart | Complete Guide

How to Use Wilcom Thread Color Chart | Complete Guide
7 min read

Embroidery is an art form that thrives on precision and creativity, and choosing the right thread colors is a crucial aspect of achieving the desired results. Wilcom, a leading name in embroidery software and technology, provides a comprehensive thread color chart to assist embroiderers in selecting and replicating colors accurately. In this complete guide, we will explore the intricacies of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart and provide step-by-step instructions on how to make the most of this invaluable tool.

Understanding the Wilcom Thread Color Chart

The Wilcom Thread Color Chart is a visual reference guide that displays a wide range of best embroidery thread colors along with corresponding color codes. It serves as a standardized system that allows embroiderers to communicate and reproduce specific colors consistently across different embroidery projects.

Key Features of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart:

  1. Color Codes: Each thread color in the Wilcom chart is assigned a unique code, facilitating easy identification and communication. The codes are typically alphanumeric, providing a precise reference for the desired color.

  2. Color Swatches: The chart includes actual swatches of each thread color, allowing embroiderers to visually assess the color's appearance. This is particularly helpful for ensuring accurate color matching and coordination.

  3. Color Families: Thread colors are organized into families based on their hues, making it simpler for users to navigate the extensive range of options. Common families include reds, blues, greens, neutrals, and more.

  4. Digitized Color Information: In addition to the printed chart, Wilcom also provides digitized color information that can be integrated with embroidery software. This ensures seamless communication between the design on the screen and the actual thread colors.

How to Use the Wilcom Thread Color Chart: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Acquire the Wilcom Thread Color Chart

If you don't have a physical copy of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart, you can obtain one through Wilcom's official website or authorized distributors. Ensure that you have the most recent version to access the latest color additions and improvements.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with the Color Families

Before diving into specific color selections, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the organization of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart. Identify the color families and understand the general layout of the chart. This step will make it easier to navigate and locate the desired colors during your embroidery projects.

Step 3: Locate the Desired Color Code

When you have a particular color in mind, locate its corresponding code on the chart. The alphanumeric codes are typically arranged in numerical order within each color family. For example, a red thread may have codes like R001, R002, and so forth.

Step 4: Verify the Color Appearance

Use the actual color swatches on the chart to verify the appearance of the selected color. Assess how it complements other colors within the same family and consider its suitability for the overall design. The visual representation ensures that you can make informed decisions based on the actual thread color.

Step 5: Integrate with Embroidery Software

For those using Wilcom embroidery software, take advantage of the digitized color information provided by Wilcom. This information can be imported into the software, allowing you to visualize and plan your embroidery designs with a high degree of accuracy. Ensure that embroidery software for mac is compatible with the Wilcom Thread Color Chart data.

Step 6: Record Your Color Choices

Maintain a record of the color codes you choose for each project. This record can serve as a reference for future endeavors, ensuring consistency in your color selections. Whether you keep a digital file or a physical notebook, having a personalized catalog of preferred thread colors is a valuable resource.

Step 7: Experiment and Customize

While the Wilcom Thread Color Chart provides a comprehensive range of options, don't hesitate to experiment and customize. Mix and match colors within and across families to create unique palettes that align with your creative vision. The chart serves as a foundation, but your creativity can take the colors in exciting new directions.

Tips for Optimal Use of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart:

  1. Consider Lighting Conditions: When assessing colors on the chart, ensure that you are in a well-lit environment. Natural light is ideal for accurate color evaluation, allowing you to see the true hues of the threads.

  2. Regularly Update Your Chart: Thread colors may be updated or expanded over time. Check for updates on the official Wilcom website to ensure that you have the latest color information.

  3. Utilize Color Matching Tools: If you're working on a project that requires precise color matching, consider using color matching tools or software that can help you identify the closest thread color matches in the Wilcom chart.

  4. Explore Varied Thread Types: Wilcom offers thread charts for different types of threads, such as rayon and polyester. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each thread type to make informed choices based on the project's requirements.


The Wilcom Thread Color Chart is a valuable companion for embroiderers seeking precision and consistency in their work. By following the steps outlined in this guide and incorporating the chart into your creative process, you can confidently choose and replicate thread colors with accuracy. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a hobbyist, the Wilcom Thread Color Chart opens up a world of possibilities for creating vibrant and visually stunning embroidery designs.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can I request a physical copy of the Wilcom Thread Color Chart from Wilcom?

    • Yes, Wilcom provides physical copies of the Thread Color Chart, and you can request one through their official website. Additionally, authorized distributors may offer printed copies for purchase.
  2. Are the color codes consistent across different types of Wilcom thread charts?

    • While the general organization and numbering may be consistent, different thread types (e.g., rayon, polyester) may have variations in available colors. Always refer to the specific thread chart corresponding to the thread type you are using for accurate color information.
  3. How often does Wilcom update its Thread Color Chart?

    • Updates to the Wilcom Thread Color Chart may occur periodically to introduce new colors or improvements. It's advisable to check the official Wilcom website for the latest version and any announcements regarding updates.
  4. Can I use the Wilcom Thread Color Chart with other embroidery software?

    • While the Wilcom Thread Color Chart is designed for optimal integration with Wilcom embroidery software, you can still manually refer to the chart and manually input color codes into other embroidery software. However, the seamless integration of digitized color information is a unique feature for Wilcom software users.
  5. Are there additional resources provided by Wilcom for color matching and customization?

    • Wilcom may offer supplementary resources or tools for color matching and customization. Check their official website, support documentation, or contact their customer support for information on additional resources that complement the Wilcom Thread Color Chart.
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