Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets

4 min read

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a common disease that occurs when the pressure in your arteries is higher than it should be. If left untreated, it can lead to health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, vision loss, and more. So, people demand the best quality medicine that provides fast relief to overcome this health disease. Looking at this high requirement Cardiatic Care is a well-known company offering its “Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets” which reduce the risk of hypertension.

Cardiatic Care is the leading Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets Manufacturer and Supplier in India, certified by ISO, GMP, and WHO and is popular for its superior quality tablet ranges. Supplied product is approved by DCGI which means they meet all quality and safety instructions. Moreover, to match international quality standards they strictly go along with the guidelines of WHO and GMP to meet international quality standards. 

Top Monopoly-Based Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets Manufacturing Company in India 

Cardiatic Care is a well-reputed name among the Cardiac Diabetic Franchise Companies also known for its “best manufacturing services” in India. They are backed by a skilled R&D team that tested Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets at each level to maintain safety and quality. 

Moreover, the supplied tablets are packed accurately and attractively. We appointed a top packaging team that packed solutions according to their suitability and attractive packaging that helps to boost sales and attract customers. They also provide Pharma Franchise for these tablets 

  • Genuine and transparent deals
  • Capacity for large-scale production and growth
  • Maintain hygiene standards
  • Trackable batch records
  • Invest in R&D
  • Well-regarded manufacturing company
  • Utilise top laboratories
  • Follow good manufacturing practices
  • Fair transactions
  • Emergency response plan in place
  • Stringent quality assurance processes

Medical Benefits of Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets 

Look at the best benefits provided by Cardiactic Care, the top Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets Manufacturing Company in India.


  • Ramipril widens blood vessels, easing blood flow.
  • Lowers blood pressure, decreasing heart attack and stroke risks.
  • Minimizes orthostatic effects, except when dehydrated.
  • Reduces heart failure severity and symptoms with continued use.


  • Amlodipine treats angina and high blood pressure.
  • It's a calcium channel blocker, relaxing heart muscles and improving blood flow.
  • Prevents coronary artery spasms and reduces the heart's workload.
  • Enhances tolerance to physical activity and maintains normal blood pressure during exercise.
  • Overall, it protects and maintains heart health.


Inform your doctor about health issues and follow the precautions given below:

  • This tablet may interact with drugs reducing cholesterol (simvastatin), corticosteroids (prednisolone), gout medicine (allopurinol), diabetic drugs (Insulin glargine, metformin, sitagliptin), water pills (furosemide) and fits medicine (pregabalin).
  • Intake of alcohol may lower your blood pressure.
  • Consult with your doctor before taking this medicine if you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. 
  • Take this medicine with caution after consulting a doctor if you have a kidney/liver impairment to avoid any health risks.

Side Effects

Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets can cause mild or serious side effects. The given list contains some key side effects that may occur during intake.

  • Confusion
  • Tiredness
  • Stomach upset
  • Flushing
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

WHO and GMP-certified Manufacturing Unit For Effective Production 

Cardiatic Care has its own WHO and GMP-certified manufacturing in large eco-friendly for effective production of Ramipril & Amlodipine Tablets. Moreover, they believe in continuous improvement initiatives to ensure consistent injection quality. 

They have divided production-related duties into different departments. It is crucial to run a smooth manufacturing cycle that involves composition collecting, packaging, shipping, and manufacturing.

  • The skilled and qualified workforce in manufacturing units.
  • Implementation of risk management strategies in an Indian manufacturing unit.
  • Continuous process monitoring and improvement based on feedback, inspections, and audits.
  • Strict quality control measures and testing protocols at the manufacturing plant.


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Cardiatic Care 2
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