134a refrigerant (3)

Beyond Cooling: Innovative Uses of 134a Refrigerant

134a refrigerant has been a game-changer in the air conditioning and refrigeration industries for many years. Its thermodynamic properties make it an ideal choice for cooling systems, but did you know there are many other innovative uses for this ver...

United Refrigerants · 14 March 2023 · 3

Refrigerants And 134A Refrigerant

If you have never used refrigerants before, you may be wondering what they are and why they are important. Refrigerants are molecules that are used to cool the air in a room or building. A refrigerator uses refrigerants to keep food cold.  In t...

United Refrigerants · 20 January 2023 · 15

How To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly With 134A Refrigerant?

Do you want to make your home more eco-friendly? Are you looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint? If so, one way to do so is to switch to refrigerant 134A. 134A Refrigerant is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional Freon-based refrigeran...

United Refrigerants · 16 December 2022 · 5