balance (3)

Mindful Living: E-Habits, Digital detox, and Screen Time Management

In Today’s reality, marked by qualities such as hyper-connectivity and information overload, the concept of a digital detox has become increasingly relevant gaining immense traction. This process involves stepping away from electronic gadgets a...

youssef · 26 February · 3

Vertigo: The Sort Of Problems That Cause Balance Disorders and Treatment

Vertigo and balance disorders can be caused by various underlying problems. Here are some common causes and treatment options for these conditions: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): BPPV occurs when small calcium crystals called otoliths become dislodged and migrate into the fluid-filled canals of the inner ear. This dis...

Scarlett Watson · 30 June 2023 · 2

How To Check Sassa Balance On Mobile Phone

Checking your SASSA balance is important to ensure that you have enough money to cover your expenses. If you have a mobile phone, there are several ways to check your SASSA balance. In this article, I will explore the different options available and...

BIGBASKET.PK · 21 February 2023 · 4