braces in monroe (3)

How Orthodontics Can Transform Your Life

When we talk about orthodontics in Monroe, the first thing that comes to mind, and that is for most people, is straighter teeth. While that is true, it is important to understand that orthodontic treatments via braces in Monroe or Invisalign in Monro...

Monroe Orthodontist · 08 February · 1

What Advantages Do Braces Have?

Improved teeth and oral health are two advantages of braces. Straight teeth make it simpler to clean all of the tooth surfaces and gum margins, which leads to better oral health. In the event of a crash or fall, the risk of injury to the top front teeth can be decreased by adjusting their conspicuous position. If the front teeth bite edge to edge,...

Monroe Orthodontist · 1 year ago · 2

How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene When You Have Braces

When you have braces on hygiene is a serious challenge. This is because braces are quite complex and bulky apparatus which covers a wide portion of your buccal cavity and your teeth and gums. This makes cleaning of teeth difficult. Your bristles are not able to reach the key spots simple because there are hindrances in the process. There are metal...

Monroe Orthodontist · 09 November 2022 · 13