charging (3)

How To Cleanse, Charge, And Care For Your Moldavite Crystal?

Crystals were long regarded as mystical sources of energy. One of these crystals which stands out due to its power and interesting past is moldavite. Interested in learning about the healing properties of moldavite or simply want to know how to charg...

Crystal Cave · 17 April · 1

Maximizing Performance: Tips for Charging Group 27 Batteries

Batteries are the unsung heroes powering our boats, RVs, and other recreational vehicles. If you're in the game, you might be familiar with the powerhouse that is the Group 27 battery. In this guide, we're not just talking about charging – we're talking about maximizing performance. So, buckle up as we explore the world of Group 27 batteries...

James Smith · 27 February · 2

Why Is My Vape Pen Not Charging?

It's that simple: if your disposable vape pen isn't charging, you can't use it. Here's some good news: Most of the time, a vape pen that doesn't appear to be charging correctly can be easily fixed because neither the device nor the battery is usually...

sadaf hasan · 26 December 2022 · 5