databasetools (7)

How to duplicate a table in PostgreSQL

Copying a database table (or duplicating it, for that matter) is one of those basic operations that can be performed for a variety of reasons. Let's have an overview of the most common situations in which you need to copy PostgreSQL tables—and...

John Fuller · 27 May · 1

Best Navicat alternative for MySQL and MariaDB databases

Navicat is a popular brand of GUI tools that help handle a number of tasks related to database development and management. Moreover, these tools work across a wide variety of the world's biggest relational database systems, including, among others, M...

John Fuller · 21 May · 1

dbForge Edge: Tutorials and Useful Resources

dbForge Edge: Your ultimate multidatabase solution. Empower yourself with a vast range of capabilities for the development and management of SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL databases. Unlock the power of dbForge Edge effortlessly in mere...

John Fuller · 20 May · 1

Tune Performance using MySQL Query EXPLAIN Plan

MySQL EXPLAIN plan helps you understand how MySQL queries are executed and what indexing techniques are better for running queries efficiently. The EXPLAIN plan is a handy statement, especially when you need to optimize MySQL queries. Everyone has e...

John Fuller · 14 May · 1

How to Add, Show, and Drop MySQL Foreign Keys

What is a foreign key in MySQL? We’ll start with the definition. A foreign key is a column or a group of columns that allow cross-referencing related data across tables in a database. A foreign key relationship comprises a parent table (that c...

John Fuller · 12 May · 1

Database Design & Development Solution - dbForge Edge

Introduction to Database Development Database development has existed since the 1960s. This was the time when the need arose to efficiently organize and manage large volumes of data. As the demand grew, different relational database management syste...

John Fuller · 30 April · 1

JOINs in PostgreSQL: Types with 9 Examples

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robust features, reliability, and scalability. It is used to manage and store data, both for small-scale applications and for large enterprise systems. PostgreSQ...

John Fuller · 29 April · 1