divorce in arlington virginia (2)

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Uncontested Divorces

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Uncontested Divorces Uncontested divorces, characterized by mutual agreement between spouses on key issues such as asset division, child custody, and support, are often perceived as a simpler and more amicable alternative to contested divorces. However, several misconceptions surround uncontested divorces, le...

Jack Lvy · 16 March · 3

Choosing Between Mediation and Litigation in Divorce: Factors to Consider and Legal Assistance

Divorce is a challenging process that often requires difficult decisions about the future of a family. When contemplating divorce, one of the critical decisions couples must make is whether to pursue mediation or litigation to resolve their disputes. Both options have distinct advantages and disadvantages, and understanding the factors involved can...

Jack Lvy · 14 March · 4