employee retention credit (3)

The Essential Benefits of the Employee Retention Credit for Your Company - IGNITE HCM

As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of a dynamic economic landscape, finding effective ways to support and retain employees remains a top priority. One such opportunity that companies should not overlook is the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). This valuable tax credit, designed to encourage businesses to keep employees on their payrol...

Amy James · 22 May · 1

Unlocking Value Navigating the Employee Retention Credit for Business Success with Ignite HCM

In the landscape of modern business, organizations constantly seek strategies to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance profitability. One such avenue gaining attention is the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), a valuable opportunity for...

Philip Bobby · 26 February · 1

ERC Application deadline

In the competitive landscape of research funding, the European Research Council (ERC) stands as a symbol of excellence and innovation. It offers substantial financial support to groundbreaking projects across diverse domains. Yet, to embark on t...

Jonsan Mark · 11 September 2023 · 1