grassfed (4)

Unveiling the Delicious and Nutritious Mikio Grass-Fed Ghee: A Calorie Comparison with Butter

Are you a health-conscious foodie looking for a nutritious alternative to butter? Mikio Grass-Fed Ghee might be the answer to your culinary prayers. In this blog, we'll dive into the world of ghee, particularly Mikio Grass-Fed Ghee, and compare its c...

susmita milkio · 01 November 2023 · 1

The Nutritional Marvel: Embracing Ghee in Everyday Life

Ghee, a staple in Indian households for centuries, has gained worldwide recognition in recent years due to its remarkable nutritional benefits. This clarified butter, often used in traditional cooking, carries a rich history and a wealth of advantages for our health. As awareness grows, more people are incorporating ghee into their daily lives....

Mary Fowler · 16 October 2023 · 1

The Art of Making Ghee

Ghee, often referred to as "liquid gold," is a staple in Indian cuisine and has gained popularity worldwide for its rich flavor and numerous health benefits. This clarified butter has a long history dating back thousands of years and is a versatile ingredient in both cooking and traditional medicine. But have you ever wondered how this golden eli...

Nelly Korda · 08 September 2023 · 2

Embracing the Benefits of Ghee Calories in Your Keto Diet

Ghee, also known as clarified butter, has gained popularity in recent years, especially among those following a ketogenic diet. This golden elixir not only adds a rich flavor to your meals but also offers a host of advantages when it comes to keto nutrition. Caloric Density: One of the key advantages of incorporating ghee into your keto diet is...

Nelly Korda · 06 September 2023 · 3