gynecomastia pinch test (2)

Gynecomastia Pinch Test — A Comprehensive Guide

Gynecomastia, characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue, is a condition that affects many men worldwide. The pinch test is a simple diagnostic tool used to assess the presence and severity of gynecomastia. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and performing the gynecomastia pinch test: What is Gynecomastia? Gyneco...

Mohit Sharma · 2 weeks ago · 3

How To Perform the Gynecomastia Pinch Test

Handa Plastic Surgery introduces the Gynecomastia Pinch Test, a specialized assessment for male breast concerns. Our skilled practitioners employ the Gynecomastia Pinch Test to precisely evaluate excess tissue. This minimally invasive diagnostic tool...

Arjun Handa · 11 January · 2