heart attack (3)

Keeping Your Heart in the Game during this IPL Season: A Guide by the Best Cardiac Hospital in Namakkal

Introduction: As cricket enthusiasts gear up for the excitement of another IPL season, it's essential to remember the importance of maintaining heart health while enjoying the games. The thrill of each match can sometimes lead to neglecting our well-being. However, with the guidance of the best cardiac hospital in Namakkal, you can ensure that y...

MM hospitals · 17 April · 1

Understanding the 10 Unexpected Risk Factors for a Heart Attack

A heart attack is a critical medical event that strikes someone every 40 seconds, and it occurs when blood flow to the heart is obstructed. The primary cause is often a fat buildup in the heart's feeding arteries. While certain risk factors like age...

Amelia Grant · 18 January · 3

Don't Ignore These Warning Signs Of Hormone Imbalance In Women

Introduction It's no secret that hormones majorly affect our overall health and well-being. But when it comes to women, hormone imbalance can be especially problematic. Watch Video HereHormone imbalance can cause a host of issues, including weight...

Ahegao Hoodie · 20 February 2023 · 19