heart hospital in delhi (4)

Understanding the Life-Saving Benefits and Techniques of Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is an operating procedure in which an incision is made in the chest to allow access to the heart. It is used to repair or replace faulty heart valves, treat coronary artery disease, and correct congenital heart defects. Expert hear...

Dr. Sujay Shad · 11 April · 1

Understanding the Life-Saving Benefits and Techniques of Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is an operating procedure in which an incision is made in the chest to allow access to the heart. It is used to repair or replace faulty heart valves, treat coronary artery disease, and correct congenital heart defects. Expert hear...

Dr. Sujay Shad · 11 April

Understanding the Life-Saving Benefits and Techniques of Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is an operating procedure in which an incision is made in the chest to allow access to the heart. It is used to repair or replace faulty heart valves, treat coronary artery disease, and correct congenital heart defects. Expert hear...

Dr. Sujay Shad · 11 April · 1

What Are The First Signs Of A Weak Heart?

A healthy heart pumps blood from its right side to the lungs where the blood picks up the oxygen. The oxygen-rich blood then travels from the lungs to the left side of the heart and is then pumped to the rest of the body. As per Heart Doctor in...

Dr. Sujay Shad · 08 April · 2