interface (2)

SPI basics

NO.1Introduction to SPI SPI, which is the English abbreviation of Serial Peripheral Interface.Literally, it is a serial external device interface, which is a full-duplex, high-speed, and synchronous communication bus. SPI was originally a full-duplex synchronous serial bus developed by Motorola. I...
31 July 2023 ·
· 16 · Беспроводной последовательный модуль lora

EtherCAT development and its characteristics

"As a "young" communication protocol, EtherCAT has occupied a place in the field of industrial communication with its high performance, simple wiring and openness. Let me briefly introduce EtherCAT."...
28 July 2023 ·
· 2 · Беспроводной последовательный модуль lora