kolgold (3)

"Kolhapur Lifestyle"

Lifestyle for any city means “The overall representation of the people living there; their earnings, beliefs, traditions, and opinions….”. While multiple groups living in a regi...
05 March ·
· 1 · kolgold

"Kolhapur Cuisine"

The cuisine for every region represents its culture, ingrown crops, and local spices. Kolhapur being a fertile land has a diverse cuisine to offer which is famous across the whole country. On one ha...
05 March ·
· 1 · kolgold

"Khidrapur : Seek Blessings from the Almighty"

Khidrapur is famous for the Kopeshwar Temple, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra. It is right at the border of Maharashtra and Karnataka and is accessible from Sangli. Built in the 12th century by Shila...
05 March ·
· 1 · kolgold