korea (3)

What Is Korean Food Near Me and Why Is Everyone Talking about It?

What Makes Korean Food Sound Korean food is notable universally for being zesty, flavourful and delectable. However, did you have at least some idea that Korean cooking likewise offers various medical advantages? Korean cooking is beneficial to such...

Restaurants · 28 January 2023 · 5

Resep masakan ala Korea unik dan menarik, mudah dibuat dan bikin ngiler

Resep Makanan Korea yang Mudah Dibuat di Rumah   Jika sering melihat serial drama Korea, pasti Sahabat Fimela sudah tak asing dengan beberapa jenis makanan khas Korea. Tentunya dengan melihatnya saja, Sahabat Fimela ingin membuat dan mencicipi makanan tersebut. Pastinya kamu bisa membuat sendiri beberapa makanan khas Korea di rumah. Dan be...

Ari Fariz · 25 October 2022 · 13

What Are Korean Fillers Made Of?

Korea's beauty standard is strict and very high—it's no wonder why their Kpop artists (stars) and other celebrities are among the most beautiful and loved set of people in the beauty industry.  Another interesting fact is that Korea is no...

Lucas Vitale · 08 July 2022 · 15