lear (2)

The Rise and Evolution of the World of Islam - Ayat Academy

Introduction to Ayat Academy Ayat Academy stands as a beacon of Islamic education, offering a holistic approach to learning rooted in tradition yet embracing modernity. Founded with a vision to nurture young minds with Islamic values while equipping...

Ayat Academy · 1 week ago · 5

best online quran classes for adults

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger) Prophet Abraham (A.S) has a significant place in the history in most of the religions for how he spread the word of Allah Almighty in the times of darkness. There are reference of Abraham (A.S) in the bible an...

Abdallah Elnawasany · 25 March · 1