learn quran basic tajweed (2)

Learn to Recite: Improve Your Knowledge of the Quran with Our Adult Basic Tajweed Classes

With our exclusive Tajweed classes for adults, discover the elegance and accuracy of Quranic recitation. At TarteeleQuran, we are committed to provide people wishing to improve their Quranic fluency and knowledge a life-changing learning experience because we recognize the value of Tajweed in properly pronouncing and reciti...

TarteeleQuran Au · 4 days ago · 1

Mastering Tajweed: Unlocking the Beauty of Quranic Recitation

Tajweed, the art of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation and articulation, is an essential aspect of Islamic education for believers of all ages. While mastering Tajweed may seem daunting at first, understanding its simple tajweed rules and enrolling in Tajweed classes for adults can make the process accessible and rewarding. F...

TarteeleQuran Au · 24 April · 2