nftmarket (104)

Is there potential for profit in the gaming industry?

Many people now use gaming as their main source of income. You might wonder how that is feasible. The most popular response is blockchain technology. The economy has advanced to a point where generating money is as easy as ordering a digital gift car...

Mathew Wade · 13 March 2023 · 3

Is NFT 2.0 the future of NFT?

Technology is changing quickly. It appears that everyone is talking about it at once, even though we only scratched the surface for a moment. NFTs share the same situation. The major media ignored it for years. Then, beginning in 2021, NFTs attracted...

Mathew Wade · 11 March 2023 · 4

Get ready to start making money while playing games.

Pay-to-play games are being replaced by play-to-earn NFT games. Now that it's possible, gamers can profit from reselling and renting their in-game items. It doesn't end there; each time you play and succeed, you receive money as compensation for your...

Mathew Wade · 10 March 2023 · 6

Play to rank games are the newest addition to the gaming industry.

We are aware that play-to-earn games have recently attracted the interest of the gaming community. Due to the success of CryptoKitties, and Axie Infinity, a number of NFT gaming platforms emerged, providing players with the chance to not only have fu...

Mathew Wade · 09 March 2023 · 2

The first car racing game on the Solana blockchain

Using the most cutting edge NFT and DeFi blockchain technologies for the first time, RaceFI is a game that will usher in a new era for the gaming industry on the Solana ecosystem. In addition to promoting the growth of the Solana ecosystem and the wi...

Mathew Wade · 07 March 2023 · 19

Learn more about cricket NFT games. Read on!

NFTs are hyped. The NFT marketplace for digital collectibles is incredibly hyped. However, the most recent news is only focused on the sport of cricket. People all over the world adore this game. But what about the lengthy queues they must stand in j...

Mathew Wade · 02 March 2023 · 1

Why are NFTs flying off the shelves?

NFTs, also known as non-fungible tokens, are at the height of their use. These NFTs are essentially blockchain-based products, and they may be anything from an audio file to a document. These NFTs basically aim to guarantee that a digital item is ent...

Mathew Wade · 01 March 2023 · 2

Read on to learn more about NFTs in vending machines!

Even if buying NFTs from a vending machine is not a novel idea in 2023, people are enthusiastic about the introduction of the vending machine at my NFT marketplace. The NFT vending machine in New York first enjoyed great success. The public, however,...

Mathew Wade · 28 February 2023 · 4

Traditional games and NFT games have differences.

You must have heard of a lot of gamers quitting their jobs to play NFT games, even if you are not a gamer. The fact that NFT gaming platforms are giving eastern countries more financial rewards has caused this news to spread like wildfire there. How...

Mathew Wade · 27 February 2023 · 2

To learn more about NFTs and their significance in sports. Read on!

Even if you are not interested in technology, you surely have heard about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at least from a well known figure or from your favourite company. Today, NFTs are so widely used that they have taken over every industry and nook an...

Mathew Wade · 25 February 2023 · 1

Let’s learn more about NFT tickets. Read on!

The NFT ticket is a blockchain-based token that contains the entry credentials as well as a number of additional advantages offered by the event organizer. It’s an intelligent ticket with abilities that upends the entire entertainment sector....

Mathew Wade · 20 February 2023 · 3

What are the benefits of NFTs in travel industries?

Suppliers can generate, store and sell their services in the form of NFTs, empowering tourism. Most people who travel internationally or buy real estate have to deal with local currencies, lack of transparency when renting or buying property, timesha...

Mathew Wade · 16 February 2023 · 2

The Love for Art and Collectibles Doesn’t Seem to Fade Any Soon

Initially after the boom of NFTs in the Web3 space NFTs were widely seen as only a collectible and art by the global population. On the other hand, digital creators and artists across the globe effectively used blockchain technology to tokenize their...

Mathew Wade · 15 February 2023 · 9

NFTs and their role in the metaverse

Many individuals would view tokens as merely representations of NFT digital collectibles or artwork in the marketplace that they could sell for astronomical sums of money. Without a doubt, the NFT metaverse link offers a potential application for NFT...

Mathew Wade · 14 February 2023 · 2

NFT gaming: AI and NFTs are combined!

Blockchain, NFTs, and AI are recognised as crucial components of the Metaverse architecture. Nothing prevents us from producing AI-produced photos as NFT. But may they be combined somehow? Yes, there are now some projects that use artwork produced by...

Mathew Wade · 13 February 2023 · 3

How Big the P2E Market is Set to Evolve

The P2E gaming industry is one of the most robust markets in the Web3 space. According to Globalnewswire’s latest report, it is mentioned that “According to our researcher's latest study, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Play-to-E...

Mathew Wade · 10 February 2023 · 5